Author Interview - @JavaMomma0921

I'm super excited about this one...she's my new 'Friendlie' and I love her dearly already...

@javamomma0921 recently agreed to chat with me about her various works. She is such a talented woman…I’m in awe of everything she has done and is doing.

She is a busy mother of 2 and still finds the time to give her fans the privilege of reading her excellent stories.

The story which introduced me to her was Life and Death of Edward Masen, a period piece, which told Edward’s story a while before Carlisle changed him. It was completed in September 2010. She is planning a continuation.

She also has various other WIP’s – one being All That Jazz.

But I should stop my rambling…just read the interview to discover a fascinating woman behind the words…

 me:  so, if there's anything you don't want to answer, just say 'No comment" or some such journalistic mumbo jumbo!

 javamomma0921:  Ok.

I'm pretty open, I just don't want any personal info about my kids or family posted.

 me:  ok
          When did you start writing FF?

 javamomma0921:  Around January of this year, just after finishing the saga for the first time.

 me:  Really? Life and Death of Edward Masen is your first?

javamomma0921:  Actually, The Time is at Hand was my first. That has been complete for some time. It was a retelling of BD from Edward's POV.

 me:  I apologize.. I should have known that fact.

 javamomma0921:  Please, don't. I think about four people read it. LOL

 me:  How long did it take you to write L&DoEM?

 javamomma0921:  Well, it was started in ... March of this year and was just completed in September. It is 32 chapters complete.

 me:  And did you mention that you will be doing a continuation?

 javamomma0921:  I hope to. Right now I am currently working on my WIP, All That Jazz, along with three Fandom Gives Back obligations. I won't begin any continuation until I finish those things up. Also, I am beginning to work on something original for publication.

me: Are there any other projects you’re involved in?

javamomma0921:  I’m judging in the OC Awards. Basically, this is an Original Character Award site created to acknowledge those authors who choose to go out on a limb and integrate an original character into the twilight world.

 (LeAnne) @Golightly and @WolvesCanEatMe were the co-founders of the award. This is the website with all of the updates and information:

At the moment, I know about as much as everyone else. I believe that we are hoping to kick everything off at the end of this month. :-)

 me:  That's really interesting...where do you find the time, with a young, busy family?

 javamomma0921:  I have set aside the time when my daughter is in school and my son naps for writing. I also usually write from around 9:30 to 11:30 at night when everyone else is sleeping. This is important to me, so I choose to make time for it. It isn't easy, but it is a priority for me.

 me:  I think that setting a schedule is what seems to work for most really good authors.
Do you write every day?

 javamomma0921:  I do. I schedule my time very carefully, allowing a certain amount of time for each chapter of the stories I need to update so that I keep a set update schedule. It's been working out really well and encouraging me that I can actually accomplish all of these projects!

 me:  Would you say that this is something you would recommend for new authors to do?

 javamomma0921:  No! Sorry.
 I would never have taken all of these obligations knowingly. I signed up for FGB when literally no one knew who I was. I thought no one would bid on me. And then ... they did. So, I want to accomplish this, but this isn't the most conducive environment for good writing being this stressed about multiple stories.

me:  Do you read a lot of FF?

 javamomma0921:  I have several favorites, but I'm not really reading anything new right now. Most of what I read are the things I beta for, honestly. I am really looking forward to having more time to read when a few of these stories are over.

 me:  How many stories do you beta for?

 javamomma0921:  I have five authors that I beta for regularly, comprising about ... eight or nine stories.

 me:  Wow..that is a lot of stories to beta for.

 javamomma0921:  Actually, beta-ing for me is really fun and simple. I have a background in editing so it doesn't take up much time.

 me:  What are your distractions when you are working?

 javamomma0921: kids?

The voices in my head for the characters?
All of the above. LOL

 me:  These they lead your stories?

javamomma0921:  Absolutely. I take a day off between writing each story so that I can get "back in touch" with each of my characters. I have outlines, but my characters really lead where the stories go.

 me:  So, is your outline done at the very beginning?

 javamomma0921:  No. I try to write my five scene plan for each story. I read an article once that said that every story, be it 600 words or 100,000 can be broken down into 5 scenes. So I try to break each of my stories down that way and then I fill in the pieces. I think it really keeps my story arc true and exciting. It keeps me focused, but it allows my characters to be active participants in the development of the story.

 me:  That is really interesting...the rest of us can learn a lot from that.

 javamomma0921:  It's from a fantastic book.

 me:  You said your background is in it formal training?

javamomma0921:  I have a Master's Degree in English Language and Literature. I paid my way through grad school nanny-ing and editing doctoral theses. So it isn't exactly in the publishing world, but people paid me to edit.

 me:  Impressive.

 javamomma0921:  Meh. It paid the bills.
And I did like it. I got to read a lot of interesting stuff.

 me:  Yes. That's what I'm wanting to do the be inspired...

 javamomma0921:  You can't be a writer unless you are a voracious reader.

 me:  I agree.

Do you have a fave author/story?

 javamomma0921:  Do you mean mainstream or FF?

 me:  Both.

 javamomma0921:  My favorite published author is Stephen King. I think that his work is amazing. My favorite book of his is The Stand.

My current favorite FF is Cosmogirl's What Speaks in Darkness. This is such an amazingly different take on the story we all know and love and it is done SO well.

 me:  Speaking of which...when did you first read Twilight?

 javamomma0921:  Let's see ... I started writing in January of 2010, so I started reading Twilight ... right around Christmas of 2009.

 me:  Pretty close to when I did...bought myself the first book for a Christmas present...and the rest is...

 javamomma0921:  My husband bought the first book...

 me:  Has he read it?

 javamomma0921:  yep. All four. Before me!

 me:  Hah! Still trying to get mine to read it.

javamomma0921:  He liked it. I teased him unmercifully until he made me read it. And now ... he teases me.

 me:  Does he read your stories?

 javamomma0921:  He's read Edward's story (The Life and Death) as well as my entry for the Age of Edward contest, but most of them, no, he doesn't. He does, however, read all of my original work.

 me:  What type/genre of original work do you write?

 javamomma0921:  Period stuff for the most part, just like in FF.

 me:  Do you do a lot of research for those?

 javamomma0921:  I do. I really enjoy researching different time periods. I do a lot of research for my FF as well. I feel like if I'm going to write something, I should be as accurate as possible.

 me:  Readers should appreciate that...I do. It makes it truly interesting and true-to-life, right?

 javamomma0921:  I think so. I think it's a really interesting thing to see an author bridge their research into a story, because as readers, we don't need to know every detail, but as authors ... we do. It's all in how we work it into the story to keep the readers interested.

 me:  You definitely have that gift.

 javamomma0921:  Thank you.

 me:  It is interesting to me also having Life & Death go backwards in time from Edward's conversion...was that difficult to have play out?

 javamomma0921:  Well ... I started the story because I really wanted to know what Edward was like as a human. I think that in so many fics he's shown as a monster because he left Bella in New Moon. I kind of thought there might have been reasons in his past for that. So, I wanted to write this story to see what his life was like. I hope that I did him justice in it.

me:  You was fascinating to imagine/read about him as a human.

 javamomma0921:  Thank you. This story is what made me consider writing AH.

 me:  What is your fave to read/write..AU/AH?

 javamomma0921:  I love reading prequels and side shots to the original because I think they are incredibly difficult to pull  off believably, but I have been getting more interested in AH/AU fics. I enjoy seeing the creativity of this fandom and AH/AU really allows the author's originality to shine.

me:  Do your friends know that you write FF?

 javamomma0921:  No. Well, actually, they do. I posted a link to the FGB auctions when I signed up and caught a great deal of flack for it. But I'm not ashamed of it. It's just that many people don't understand why I do it or care to ask. You know?

 me:  Yeah...I don't tell too many...they'll think I'm

 javamomma0921:  Yeah ... but it's not. This is such great practice for writing original. I feel so lucky that SM allows us to play with her characters.

me:  You just answered my next question...and yes it is great of her to allow it.

 javamomma0921:  hah!

 me:  sorry. the chatbox keeps disappearing on me...
 javamomma0921:  oh no!
 me:  my mouse, I think
 javamomma0921:  Silly mouse...
 me:  need to buy traps
 javamomma0921:  LOL.

Back to the Interview:

 me:  Do you want to talk about up-coming projects?

 javamomma0921:  Well, I have All that Jazz, which is my multi-chapter WIP. The three FGB pieces I am working on are all going to be finished in five chapters or less. I have a story entered in the AoE contest (Revolutionary Angel) as well as one entered in the All Hallow's Eve contest (which is anonymous).

 me:  You're the definition of a busy 'momma'

javamomma0921:  Yeah ... I guess so! it's the java...

 me:  lol--def
What is your favourite java?

 javamomma0921:  Dunkin Donuts. Original Blend.  Skim and sugar. Delish!

 me:  Really?

 javamomma0921:  yeah

 me:  What state do you live in?

 javamomma0921:  Pennsylvania.

 me:  That's a pretty state..have visited it before...

 javamomma0921: I actually grew up in the neighborhood that @Mac_214 talks about in Ryeward (Mayfair)

 me:  Haven't read that one...should I?

 javamomma0921:  I haven't read it either ... but I hear it's quite good. I've only read the first chapter and about fell off my chair when she started talking about places I hung out as a kid!

 me:  That's pretty did get your attention.

 javamomma0921:  Absolutely!
I like when authors take you to places they are familiar with. I hear enough about Forks.

 me:  Do you take notes during your travels...not necessarily to faraway places...but random ones?

 javamomma0921:  Well, I bring a notebook with me everywhere so if I get an idea, I jot it down. I'm more influenced by a scene than a place, if that makes sense? Like a weeping willow tree might make me want to write about something.

 me:  Absolutely, it does
Do you listen to music when you write? If so, what do you listen to?

 javamomma0921:  No. I like it quiet when I write. I am very easily influenced by the music I listen to (I am a former musician) and my characters are likely to react to the music instead of what is going on in the story.

 me:  Oh, what instrument did you play?

 javamomma0921:  I played the violin all the way through college.

 me:  Hah--I played viola thru high school!

 javamomma0921:  Strings, FTW!

 me: I always wanted to go back to it, for some odd reason...

 javamomma0921:  I wish I could still play.

 me:  I bet you could if you just had a little help to get started again...
 So…your WIP  All That Jazz...are you having fun with it?

javamomma0921:  OMG. That story is my baby. I love writing period romance and that story is set in my favorite time period, the beginning of the roaring 20s.
 It's a fun story because it's not just the romance. There is prohibition and the Suffragette movement ... there's a lot going on.

 me:  CANNOT WAIT – to read it!

me:  Well…You prob want to go write, so I will cut this interview short. I’ve so loved chatting with you and look forward to our continued friendship on Twitter…I hope to continue our chats here in the future as well.

 javamomma0921:  It's been so much fun talking to you. I always enjoy making new friendlies.

 me:  Thank you, thank you, thank you.. I <3 you, Friendlie!
Category: 1 comments


Debbie in S. Florida said...

Okay, I can't believe there aren't any comments! I am a big fan of javamomma's (nearly a stalker!), and count her as one of my fave "fandom friends". She's not only a wonderfully talented writer, but a sweet and funny person. I've been reading her stories since nearly the beginning, and have loved them all. Each and every one is amazing--thoroughly entertaining and well-written. Oh, and if you're an Edward girl like I am (and most of us probably are!), she writes him beautifully, and she writes a pretty great Emmett, too! The Life and Death of EAM is mesmerizing--it's just what I would've written if I had any talent--and All That Jazz is fun and different. I'd never been much of a fan of historical fiction, but she converted me! She's an amazing writer, so go check her out--you won't be disappointed!

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