About Me


I'm Kris and I am a mother of 3 adult children...which makes me...OLD! I started out writing my own fic (see link) and got deeper and deeper into this crazy world, hence my name.

I love Twilight and the Fandom. I am having the time of my life learning everything there is to know in this very special world.

Doors have opened as I've traversed through it and here I am!

I can't fully believe where my journey has taken me. This blog site is dedicated to all the wonderful authors and their fans. I hope to do fun and interesting interviews for my readers.

I get the honour of chatting with some pretty amazing authors. I am likely the luckiest person in this Fandom, in my opinion.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope I don't disappoint... if I do... shut yer yap... don't wanna hear it! LOL

Oh yeah...my fic can be found at:  http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2360207

This blog also has a Twitter - @twicrazi