Author Interview with QuietRuby

Once again, I have the utter privilege to interview one of my favourite authors, QuietRuby. She just completed her first fic, A Matter of Trust.
This story is, I think, a ‘must’ read. It’s a wonderful light-hearted love story between Edward, a movie star and Bella, a regular school teacher.
Even though QuietRuby has trouble with her typing (see many typo’s in this interview) she has several heavy hitters as her betas and pre-reader, JAustenlover, AFMtoo and EMCxo. They must be worn out and I saw them celebrating on Twitter…happy to finally get a rest!

me: 10 (Countdown)
 quietruby: lol
 me: I'm still thinking of questions...
 quietruby: oh
you are scaring me btw
 me: I come 'extra' prepared :)
 quietruby: what does that mean?
 me: Have to read your tweet...
 quietruby: oh lord
me: So...did you know that I screen capture tweets of my...victims...for weeks in advance...for ammunition?
 quietruby: what?!
 me: I mean...subjects...for...conversation...yeah...
quietruby: NO! are you some secret underground thing
  ?  hiding
 me: Maybe.
 Actually, if you saw my notes...they're written in invisible ink...
 quietruby: LOL and i need a super spy glass to read them?
 me: Kinda makes it hard for me...have to go by memory...and that's pretty shit by this stage...
quietruby: lol
 me: anyhow...
 My usual blurb: *note to self: get this patented*
 If you do not wish to answer a question...rolls eyes...just say "no comment"... rolls eyes again ...or some-such journalistic mumbo-jumbo...OK?
quietruby: ok. bites nails more now is everything going to be printed as in all my misspellings?
 me: Hell, YES!
 quietruby: cries
me: But I retain the right to edit as I see fit...switching things around to make things extra hilarious and embarrassing for you...
 quietruby: are you serious?
  so we should just play 'mad libs' then
 me: Hey!  It's my blog...
 quietruby: and what? you'll cry if you want to?
 me: …and I'll laugh hysterically if I want to as well...just saying...
  sticks tongue out
 quietruby: waggles fingers behind ears
 me: Okay...if that's the way it's going to go...
  I'm ready...
  Pretty much, we'll be lucky if we get say...5 questions in in one hour.
quietruby: oh god. seriously i am nervous
  lol how many q's are there?
 me: I have no clue...I wing it.
 quietruby: ok good me too
 me: I used to use a 'set' set of questions...but they got ruined by my 'hot' interview with Kiya Raven...and they got all wet...
quietruby: LOL. ok  was there lots of moaning as well?
 me: …and bewbie I'm used to that...if you wanna...
 quietruby: hmm, if you're good.
 me: clears throat
 Question #1:
 quietruby: braces self
 me: What is the name of your fic?
 quietruby: LOL! wow. a hard hitter.
  A Matter of Trust
 me: Well... you didn't read my blog...
 quietruby: give me the link?
 me: Are you serious? It’s way too late now…
 quietruby: honestly, i haven't been on the computer at all today. i'm very sorry!
 me: I don't have links at the think I'm some kind of tech wiz?
 quietruby: LOL, i was hoping and if you want bewbie groping, well...
 me: that'll def help right now...
 quietruby: massages bewbies just right
 me: oopsie  that really wasn't an honest error...
 quietruby: oops. let me scoop them up
 me: ooohhh...playing rough are we?
  pulls up sleeves
 quietruby: LOL. no. i was trying to be gentle in my scooping
 me: Thank you.
 quietruby: i try  :)
 me: So.. I have been reading your story from the beginning...’cause I find that's the perfect place to start... and I've loved it. :D
 quietruby: Oh, thank you. I'm happy you've been with me this whole time.
 me: back to #1
  oh...wait it's #2
 quietruby: lol
 me: we're doing good...
  When did you begin to write and why?
 quietruby: sigh
 me: am I boring you?
 quietruby: Well, for a long time i wa sa huge TV watcher ...what? no
 me: giggling at your typo
quietruby: anyway, I used to watch a lot of TV and I started to get very antsy and had a story kicking in my head. I'd never written before, so i was reluctant to start because I am a dork. I told my hubs who said that I should just do it before another 20 yrs passed and i'd never done it. the thought of that scared me, so i started it with the idea of how they met.
 and leave my typos alone. they need love too sometimes.
 me: wow...that was wordy...
 quietruby: sorry.
 me: I thought my computer had frozen..
 quietruby: LOL. shut up
 me: Oh...what? You can't type that way to me!! I'm in charge here!!! stamps foot
 quietruby: L
 me: You're making my editing job vveeerrrryyyy difficult...
  Question #3: typing hard, angry
 quietruby: LOL…and you are making me laugh
  Are you hard btw?
 me: do your friends know about your writing...umm...excuse me? Not yet.
 quietruby: snorting and groping more boobage
 me: Don't know what the hell you mean by that...
 quietruby: friends - as in real people?
 me: Yes.
quietruby: not just online folks?
 me: No.
 quietruby: yes. They don't know what and i have no allowed anyone access to my 'stuff'.
 me: Why not? Are you not proud of your work? Do you think they'll un-friend you?
  (that sounded funnier in my little head before it came out...sorry)
 quietruby: i am very proud of my work, but for some reason having people who i've known a long time read my story intimidates me.
  no, it's ok
 me: So..Twilight...when did you first a) read the book, or 2) see the movie?
  Crap -  always get a and 1 mixed up; or b and 2.
 quietruby: : it's ok. i know what you mean. :) i read the books in march 2009
  me: Wow...that was quite a while ago...
 quietruby: yeah.
  why? should i be over my obsession w/rob by now?
  i should, huh?
 me:  Well yeah, think of your children.
Have you always been on Twitter?
 quietruby: no.
 me: Well...I don't think any of us will ever get over him...gah!
 quietruby: he's too pretty
 me: Now you've done it... just had to mention 'his' name, didn't you?
 quietruby: what?  why?
 me: Just thinking...about him...
 quietruby: oh i know....looks off
 me: Lost my incredibly steel-trap-like concentration..
 quietruby: lol .  RP will do that.
 me: Whooo! fanning self
 quietruby: swooning
 me: Why does everybody tweet those pic's of him? I can never get off Twitter...
  Question: # ??
 quietruby: you don't get off when you see him? lol
 me: Well....
 quietruby: watch out you might ruin question set #2
 me: long pause
 quietruby: is that buzzing i hear?
 me: Too late. are...a naughty, clever girl
 quietruby: lol
 me: So mature for 21.
 quietruby: i am. i pride myself on my maturity at such a young, blushing age
 me: Pffttt!!
 quietruby: lol
 me: Where was I? keep interrupting...
 quietruby: sorry whistling dixie waiting
 me: I noticed your status on this chat..."I get by with a little..." you have friend?
 quietruby: i do have A friend
 me: Sorry was having my dinner delivered.
 quietruby: i pay her well
  ooh dinner delivered!
 me: I was saying...I've been watching you on Twitter...
 quietruby: oh god
 me: And yes...Thai!!
 quietruby: never had thai
 me: Honestly??
 quietruby: honestly
 me: You haven't lived...
 quietruby: i know
 me: What are you a hobbit?
 quietruby: maybe. i try to hide my feet
 me: Ok...I've seen you hob-nobbing with the 'elite' crowd of fandom... rolls eyes
 quietruby: 'elite'?
 me: Ok...I'm distracted...and hungry...give me a break...umm...royalty...
 quietruby: royalty?
 me: Wow...this is like pulling teeth...
 quietruby: lol
  did you think i would make this easy?
 me: Are you always this difficult with your interviewees?
  (I can fix that...haha)
Side: decided not to fix it…didn’t want my to feel stupid
 quietruby: no, not trying to be. not really anyway.
 me: Well...
 May I ask who your beta's/pre-readers are?
 quietruby: yep
 me: Ok...
 quietruby: lol
 me: Who the hell are they?
 quietruby: LMAO!! ok, i'll stop
 me: Don't stop...really..
 quietruby: JAustenlover is my beta and my prereader is EMCxo and AFMtoo does beta'ing for Brit-speak
 me: rolls eyes about name-dropping...
 quietruby: YOU JUST ASKED! sheesh
 me: I talked with someone last week...forget her name...who has the same
 quietruby: are they elite and i don't know it?
  i know. some 'others' stole mine  eye roll
 me: my mind they are...I don't know...
 quietruby: i'm kidding btw
  JAustenlover and EMCxo do beta/preread for a few others
 me: I have not had a beta or pre-reader for my fic... whistles
  You have a lovely shade of hair... #randomfactimtryingtosuckup
 quietruby: thank you. what does this mean?
 me: snaps fingers ...Shit..that never works.
 quietruby: lol
 me: Have you read my story at least?  blinks eyes
 quietruby: dude. i have not read much of anything since i started writing. That's 7 months of no new stories
me: Awww...cry me a river...
 quietruby: sorry. my list of tbr is way more than a mile long
 me: Question:
 quietruby: i know! i feel v badly about that.
 me: How does it feel to have completed this story?
 quietruby: bittersweet
 me: takes a forkful of mango salad chews, swallows
  Oh...nice… I mean the salad...
 quietruby: mango salad? mmm
 me: Umm...that's kind of sad, yes? No? Are you relieved...or are you going to miss your characters?
 quietruby: I miss them terribly actually. i feel like i am forgetting to do something during the day.
  yes, sad, definitely, but feel proud too. i worked very hard on it i will say that.
 me: bite off spring roll mmmbb....
 Excuse me...
 quietruby: omg - you are making me hungry!
 me: Haha...
 quietruby: meanie
 me: it's sooo should come over..there's this new place at the corner...yummm!
 quietruby: i may have to rummage for cereal now
 me: Nooo...not...trying to wrack my brain...what was the type your Edward liked?
  ...or was that your story?...ooops
 quietruby: lol, well, Bella was into Lucky Charms, so he got it for her when she came to visit him in LA
 me: Yes! I 'do' remember that!
 quietruby: lol  Edward wasn't really into cereal.
me: Why did you give yourself that penname? #random
 quietruby: it is such a lame answer
  well, one dark night... (trying to make it interesting)
 me: I should hope so... do you think my reader is stupid
 quietruby: i was trying to think of a name and since it was 'quiet' at that moment i used that and then 'ruby' is my birthstone
  no, your reader (singular) is not stupid.
 me: It wasn't a typo...
 quietruby: i figured  lol
 me: Do you think you'll write an AU story any time?
  That was a Question:
 quietruby: hmm...maybe. i do have an idea for one that is partially written that i may dust off sometime
 me: I'm sure you'd do a fab job at continue... serious face
 quietruby: why, thank you. i appreciate that. smiles
 me: Question:
 rolls eyes authors...they're so gullible...easily distracted
...did you really think I was going to play 'nice' now?
 quietruby: eye rolls back puts on pat benatar's hot me with your best shot
 me: All right!!!
 quietruby: i meant 'hit'  lol
 me: Sure you did...
 quietruby: LOL
 me: What was your writing schedule like? furrows brows
 quietruby: places pencil in bun well, i would write whenever i could. morning is the best time for me but rarely do i get time to write then, so it's usually at night in the 5 minutes before i fall asleep
  but really, any free moment was spent writing
 me: Oh...really... sorry finished the mango salad, just in case you were wondering...
 quietruby: i bet it was tasty. too bad you didn't want to share
 me: And...what were your distractions...specifically... like husband pestering you for sex? Or cat barfing on the bed?
 quietruby: two humans 6 and 4! lol and a hubs, but i was usually the one pestering, no cats here. well, there is one....
 me: One?
 quietruby: whispers pussy -  lol
 me: ROFL...omg... my cat just a mile in the air...
  a 'real' cat...get your mind out of the gutter...
 quietruby: i can't. it likes to h00r itself around. it's really sad.
 me: geez..  no words...
 quietruby: lol
 me: You've stumped me.
 quietruby: sorry.  giggles
 me: Are you able to promote h00rs to Hookah status?
 quietruby: me personally?
 me: I'm asking....because I am apparently a h00r...and I want to become a Hookah.
 quietruby: i mean, i do have a magic wand, but it's never been used like that before...
 me: whimpers ..Please.
 quietruby: chants abracadabra zippty more...i wave this wand and POOF! you're a h00r!
 me: Wait...I 'already' am one...I wanna be a Hookah!!!
 quietruby: okay then...
  chants  abracadabra, shake and shookah, look at you now, yous a HOOKAH!
 me: puffed up my chest ...A.W.E.S.O.M.E.!!!!
  I've waited a long time...  for you...
 quietruby: snickering  and i you.
 me: I was just wondering (ooh...ty)...most of the authors I've so far interviewed have been incredibly witty people...even you...why is that, do you think?
 quietruby: yeah? well, thank you for that. um, idk. maybe bc our minds are in an imaginative place lots of time?
 me: Wrong answer...
 quietruby: and i like how you say 'even me"
 oh sorry, you should offer multiple choice then
 me: I mean...'especially'  rolls eyes  which are beginning to ache
 quietruby: lol. yeah? and stop rolling your eyes. i get that a lot. sheesh. why do you think?
 me: Well...perhaps it's the direct result of childhood experiences coupled with the fact that...
 laughing hysterically seriously believe "I" would have an answer to that? That's why I asked 'YOU"...geez
  Who's doing the interview, anyways?
 quietruby: throws hands up well, how am i supposed to know?
  idk, who is?
 me: whispers I ask 'answer' them...
 quietruby: whispers back oh, ok
 me: So ...why did you have Edward and Bella "get it on" so many times? Do you enjoy writing lemons?
 quietruby: NO. i dislike writing them very much
 me: I don't believe you.
 quietruby: i didn't write that many lemons in this one.
  no really. i am very insecure when it comes to writing lemons
  i know some writers find them easy, not me
 me: Holy fuck! They did it like 5 times in 10 hours in one chapter...That's not a LOT to you???
 Your hubs must be very tired...js
 quietruby: that is, but i didn't write all the detail for everyone of them. and yes, he has often told me 'no'. lol
  imitates hubs: "too tired"
 me: covers eyes ...ummm. don't wanna know..
 quietruby: you 'd better take care of those ears too...
 me: side: my cat just crawled into the take-out bag...sooo cute...
 quietruby: aww
 me: So…
 quietruby: and stop - you were the one with the wet questions before
 me: (whatevah)  I do editing...js
Which Twilight book did you like reading the most/least?
quietruby: hmm...i loved eclipse
  thank god
 me: Just on mine...not yours...silly!
 quietruby: i like all of them really, although i skipped half of NM to get back to E glares at you
 I liked BD until i was totally scammed out of a lemon
 me: Eclipse? Have you bought your copy yet?
 quietruby: crawls under table no
 me: Me not allowed rolls eyes... they want to give it to me for Christmas...missed my birthday by days...
 quietruby: well, that's nice! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
 me: Aawww...shit...why did you have to do that? I'm sensitive about it...
 quietruby: i know starts bewbie gropes again
 me: That's better!
 quietruby: we can talk rob
 me: YES!
 quietruby: lol
 me: What does your hubs think of the whole Twilight thing in your life?
 quietruby: um, he laughs at me actually and makes fun of rob. lol
  i changed a lot when i began writing
 me: You should go for the divorce...asap
 quietruby: LOL  i know!  nah, he's a great guy
 me: I changed as did you change?  I think we might be twins...
 quietruby: lol  maybe
  i stopped watching TV which we did together and when i first started writing i couldn't stop. i literally wanted to do nothing else. it took time to find more of a balance.
 me: Me too!!
 quietruby: now, he goes to the gym, which is good and i write
 me: You too? Wow!
 me: IKR??
  I can't do anything else any more... they think I've gone insane...
 quietruby: me neither. TV annoys me
 me: Uh-huh.
 quietruby: hubs is ok with it all now
 me: Mine too… really ok with it... winks
 quietruby: covering eyes AND ears
  lol -  mine too
 me: I keep suggesting that all the thankful hubs in fandom should get together and form some kind of club...
 quietruby: OMG - they'd all just want to nap! LOL
 me: True that...
 quietruby: but yes, hubs should be v thankful not only to SM, but to many writers round here
 me: Abso-fucking-lutely (literally)
 quietruby: LOL
 me: Do you have fave authors in fandom?
 quietruby: yes.
 me: (now's the time for rec'ing)
 quietruby: oh ok
 me: And if I'm NOT on that list...I'll make more typos on your parts...
 quietruby: well, there's sqicedragon, cosmogirl7481, AFMtoo, flubbles, HKP, you, hunterhunting, feathers_mmmm, the bond girls
 i'm sure there's others i can't think of right now
 me: Awww...thank're too kind... you shouldn't have. blushing
 quietruby: ;)  how long have you been writing?
 me: Since...March...
 quietruby: of this year?
 me: Yup...just read Twilight in January.
 quietruby: ahh, yes. it's the Twi sickness. Read the books, crave more, read ff, then write
  it's an epidemic
 me: Yes...I've heard... Have you read it more than once?
 quietruby: there is only one hot beef injection that can cure it...
  omg...sorry...  not really
 me: bites lip, nods
 quietruby: whispers the injection of the RPattz
 me: Mmmmmmmm-hmmmmmmm......
 quietruby: i know. i know! it's so hard.
 me: Soooo.....
 quietruby: i mean, difficult. yes, difficult
  sorry, you were saying
 me: Right...  was I saying...?
 quietruby: yes - you were saying?
 me: I think I was drooling...
 quietruby: oh, me too
 me: …had to look back...
  Have you read it just the once through?
  eating chicken satay with peanut sauce
 quietruby: eating honeycomb
  just once. there are parts i've reread.
 me:'re weird.
 quietruby: i know.  i'm not into rereading
 me: I've read them 8x at least...lost count.
 quietruby: really?  wow!
 me: But that's because I'd forget after each round...
 quietruby: lol
 me: I was obsessed... then became Rob-sessed
 quietruby: ahh, yes
 me: No...seriously...I loved the character way more at first...thought Rob was an idiot (actually remember telling someone that)
 quietruby: really? me too. i didn't get the hype until i read the books
 me: Yes! We are twins...I'm positive...
 It was the pictures online that sealed the deal for me...
 quietruby: what color shirt are you wearing?
 me: Looks down at my boobs umm...raspberry.
 quietruby: ack, not twins then. i am in black.
  which pics did it for you?
 me: Wore black're slow.
 quietruby: all of them?
 i'm a day behind
 me: Yes...all of them...??
 quietruby: the boy doesn't take a bad pic...usually
  snarfing at 'jumping rob'
 me: Hot ...I know...not bad at all...  yeah...he's a dork.
 quietruby: it's one of the reasons i dig him
 me: Me as well... doesn't care if he lets it all hang out... giggles
 quietruby: yes! lol it's awesome to see a incredibly hot guy be goofy. way attractive
 me: Do you read the Cold Shower? (blog by RoseArcadia & Bleriana)
 quietruby: i do peruse. hot  v hot - excellent vids
 me: It's the most hilariously amazing blog I've seen...
 quietruby: lol
 me: I say to everyone that I'd love to write for them...pipe dream...
 quietruby: why not ask?
 me: But stranger things have happened...look at at imaginary blog site
 quietruby: lol
 me: I'm assuming you have a blinkie/banner...?
  Who made it for you?
 quietruby: i do! the lovely rosearcadia made it for me. :)
 me: She's the one!
 quietruby: v talented
  sheshe is!!
 me: She refused me... sobs

quietruby: she did? why?

 me: I still love hard feelings...she was on hiatus rolls eyes ...don't believe her...

 quietruby: well, she may have been. idk.  Lol

 if it was recently i know her son was hurt

 me: (I know...poor little guy) Has your fic won any awards?

 quietruby: no but was nominated for a Glove Award and a ....hang on
  there was another one! eek! i can't remember!

 me: Getting nom'd is great...

quietruby: i don't know much about the award thing tbh
  let me see if i can find it

 me: you can let me know later...k?

 quietruby: yes

 me: Okay...well...I've come to the end of my invisible questions...and my Pad Thai is getting lost, okay?

 quietruby: ok, thanks. feels like i just got taken advantage of

 me: humbly speaks ...honestly ...this has been such a thrill for me...please forgive if I've pissed you off in any way...

 quietruby: oh shut it slaps your ass

 me: You just didn't bewbie grope enough!

 quietruby: it was fun! thank you so much for the opportunity!

 me: I think I love twin...a day late...

 quietruby: lol. i <3 you too!

 me: That's a great heart...

 quietruby: i am excited and yet afraid of what this will look like.
  did you get what you needed?
  i feel like i didn't tell you much. lol

 me: It will look Fantabulous!!
Anything you want to add? rolls eyes...geez authors are so wordy...

 quietruby: no, i'm just saying. sheesh

  me: Have a great night...see you on Twitter...unless you choose to ignore's ok...I'm used to it...
  I don't know why...

 quietruby: LOL! oh shut it i ignore you?  i do not!

me: lies down on therapist's couch know...I've interviewed...

quietruby: what? what? what'd they do?  huh? huh?

me: They just bewbie grope me and... sobs ...leave me...  feel so...used...

 quietruby: i just slapped your ass!

 me: My mother didn't love me either...

 quietruby: does that not count?

 me: Ow!!  that's great!

 quietruby: two bewbie gropes and a hard ass-smacking

me: MUCH!!  Thanks again...and again...and again...

 quietruby: wait

 me: Geez...would you leave already...pad thai? All cold now... (ok)

quietruby: ok, fine! sheesh.  and the Glove awards was in 2 categories too

 me: That's so great! I'm glad.

 quietruby: yes, well, did you not need this?

 me: Nice to see a story that I read be recognized..

 quietruby: are you being rude?

 me: Makes me feel smart…noooo
  I am glad for you and your fic...

 quietruby: slaps ass harder listen, lady, you were the one who wanted to know.

 me: hands on hips You listen...I said...I'M GLAD...truly, honestly, sincerely, seriously!!!

 quietruby: oh, okay then.

 me: giggles Great

 quietruby: huffs fine. i WAS going to tell you about the time i saw rob but forget it now

 me:  Wait...WHAT!!!???

 quietruby: maybe -oh nothing

 me: thows out pad thai ...Tell me....

 quietruby: locks lips and tosses away key

 me: cries  Pleeeaaaasssssse. What do I have to do?

 quietruby: ok, i admit, i never actually 'met' rob. just at night, once i'm asleep he comes to me. grins

 me: squints  had me sweating..

 quietruby: LOL  snorting

 me: Under my boobs...

 quietruby: lol. well, we all have that

 me: Really? You do, too?

 quietruby: sometimes

 me: Don't answer that...omg...didn't want to know...

 quietruby: yes you did…you want to feel it too
  i know

 me: shy smile ...yes I did...I do...

 quietruby: i know. it's ok. you can be free with me
  honestly thank you so much

 me: Ummm...slowly inches toward your bewbs, fondles them ...nice...

 quietruby: ooh, wow. thanks bb

 me: No...thank 'you'.

 quietruby: lol. actually my boobage thanks you

 me: You have been so much fun...and a sport...  mine as well.

 quietruby: thanks bb. likewise. much enjoyed this

 me: whispers You really should have read the could have backed out...

 quietruby: stop!!!!!  runs to read

 me: Haha---yea sure...Kiya’s is good...SR is good...I think...

 well...they're all great...and flubbles...Morgan Locklear…Betti Gefecht…Javamomma0921…

quietruby: ok name dropper

 me: I know...right?

 quietruby: lol

 me: Whenever I get the chance...MOrgan Locklear...he was my 'first'.

 quietruby: and then you went lesbo

 me: Yeah... they're more fun...

quietruby: lol

 me: The guys...they don't do bewbie gropes for some shit reason...
  I was so disappointed...

 quietruby: no?  you'd think they'd be first

 me: No...rolls eyes...something about their wives...

 quietruby: oh please.

 me: Can you believe it? Do they think this is real?

 quietruby: no. what man denies available boobage?

 me: I know!!  And then I feel like a...weirdo...for fan-girling...

 quietruby: lol, well, it's their fault

 me: They just don't get it..and their loss...just saying...

 quietruby: it is  definitely

 me: Mah girls are so much more fun...and pervy...

 quietruby: obviously  lol

 me: Anyhow...I'll let you go...I'd love to chat ALL night...but...

quietruby: you have thai to eat. :) sweet dreams bb. talk to you soon! and don't ignore me

 me: Awesome...nights.. ;)  sweet dreams to you as well..

 quietruby: night bb! thanks again! :)

 me: Ok...

 quietruby: :)

 me: Enuf alreadyclick the damn icon!

 quietruby: huh? off?

 me: Y.E.S.  LOL

 quietruby: fine. cries

 me: hugs ...It's ok...see you soon, k?

 quietruby: you bet! (((hugs)))

Category: 1 comments


FYI said...

You 2 are very entertaining and witty.

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