Okay, I know all of you don't want to read my ramblings about how amazing this author is...or how I came to land this interview...BUT...too bad...
After talking with a friend at length one day about my desire to do an interview with SR - a pipe dream, really, I started my search to figure out some way. I figured that me getting to this point in my journey was no less a miracle than interviewing him. Well...I did think I was deluding myself...just a little. I had tried to find a way to contact him, to no avail. He had cut ties.
But then I remembered that there was one more epilogue coming up to University of Edward Masen. It finally got posted and he had allowed fans to review. This was my one shot! I figured....what the hell! What did I have to lose? I was...nobody. (sorry SR, hubs - can't help it)
I thought I'd write a 'kick-ass' review and go for broke while I was at it. I wasn't new to writing him long fan-girl-y reviews...maybe he was expecting it. *rolls eyes* Yeah, right! I hit send and closed my eyes. Within a few hours, much to my utter disbelief, he sent me an e-mail.
And...the rest, as they say...is history...
Without further rambling on my part, here is the interview (with very little editing, sorry SR).
Miss Kris: and....I'm back! :)
Sebastien: Hello Miss Kris. It's good to meet you
Miss Kris: Soo nice to meet you as well
I was trying to gather myself...but I don't think I'll have any luck with that
Sebastien: take your time, no worries
Miss Kris: I'm a 'tad' intimidated...
Sebastien: Don't worry. I promise I'm fang-less
Miss Kris: Haha
Anyways...my modus operandi (impressive<-) is...
We talk...if there is anything you don't want to answer just say "no comment" or some such journalistic mumbo-jumbo...
Sebastien: Ok. No worries
Miss Kris: By the way...the ladies say 'Hi"
Sebastien: That's very kind. Please say hello to the Ladies for me
Miss Kris: So I was one of the incredibly fortunate ones who was able to read ALL of UoEM...just wanted to say (and I should have started with this)...that it really is my all-time favourite.
I'm sure you have answered a lot of these questions a million times before: I was wondering...since your story is for the most part based in Toronto, Canada...is that your home town?
I'm sure you have answered a lot of these questions a million times before: I was wondering...since your story is for the most part based in Toronto, Canada...is that your home town?
Sebastien: I was born in Toronto.
Miss Kris: I live in Toronto, myself and found the references to it amusing.
Sebastien: Aha ... do you know I received a lot of reviews mentioning how I had described the renovations to the ROM? Mostly from people who really liked it? (I didn't)
Miss Kris: I don't know of anybody who have like it...
It looks kind of ..weird...jutting out into the street almost...
I'm no architect..
Sebastien: Exactly. It's interesting on its own, but it doesn't mesh with the rest of the building. I really dislike it.
Miss Kris: Random question: Have you been to the Bata shoe museum?
(thinking about Edward's shoe fetish)
(thinking about Edward's shoe fetish)
Sebastien: I've walked by it but never gone in. Is it good?
Miss Kris: Yes...but takes FOREVER to walk through...feet got very tired. Lots of reading to do along the walk. I did it last year around this time.
Sebastien: Sounds fun.
Miss Kris: What is your educational background? As I recall Edward's seminars were very in-depth...
Sebastien: I studied a lot of different things in university and I'm fascinated by Italian history and culture.
Miss Kris: I remember reading I think in one of your A/N's that you had also studied in France?
Sebastien: Ok, I'm glad you asked about that because that gives me a chance to dispel a rumour.
I have an off beat sense of humour (as is evidenced by the snarky narration of UOEM) and I made a remark in an A/N about having studied at the University of Paris before Etienne (Stephen) Tempier began to change the curriculum.
Etienne Tempier died in 1279. It was a joke.
Miss Kris: You DO have quirky sense of humor...I think we're in business;) I love it!
Sebastien: So then a rumour went around that I had studied at the Sorbonne - and I didn't. But I felt ashamed for having made a joke in the AN and didn't bother to correct it. Some of my readers hypothesized that I was a Vampyre .... born in the 1200s...Hence the University of Paris reference.
Miss Kris: I am literally rolling on the floor laughing...
Sebastien: Yes, but you see, if anyone had googled or even Wikipediad (sp?) Etienne Tempier, they would have figured it out. Several of my readers PMd me, having done just that.
Miss Kris: I'm trying to refrain from using Twitter language rolls eyes
Your readers are very...umm...smart.
Sebastien: I was trying to be funny but (sadly) I'm hot.
Miss Kris: Ooh...yes I'm sure you are 'hot'!
I obviously don't fall into that category. (I know - either one!)
Sebastien: I meant "not". Sure you do. You live in Toronto - the livable city.
Miss Kris: oops.. I digress…
This is the beginning of my spiral into silliness.
Sebastien: : (laughing) I'm already there - join me
Miss Kris: I’d love to…sits beside you
Have you read my last interview?
Sebastien: …with MOG?… yes
Miss Kris: Actually, I meant my very latest...with Kiya Raven.
We were bewbie groping and the works..she wrote "The Screamers".
Am I scaring you yet...?
Sebastien: Ohhhhh. Yes, Kiya Raven. I don't know her, but I recognize the name.
Miss Kris: She's...well...she owns me.
Sebastien: Do you pay rent?
Miss Kris: umm..not much…but I'm up for sale... I'm cheap.
Sebastien: I think the better label is "inexpensive”.
Miss Kris: Thanks...appreciate that.
I'm still waiting to be upgraded from H00r status to Hookah...
Sebastien: Does it come with an upgrade?
Miss Kris: Of course it does ...jeez
(are you going to 'accidentally' hit the close icon now...?)
Sebastien: Good.
Miss Kris: If you have any upgrade packages...I'd be interested.
Sebastien: (chuckling)
Miss Kris: clearing throat
Question...#...fuck lost count (sorry for swearing-don't do it in RL...only on computer)
How long did it take for you to write UoEM?
Sebastien: I came up with the idea and an outline of chapters in a couple of days but I was writing chapters as they were posted - so about one chapter per week with some exceptions for holidays, travel, etc. So 42 weeks?
Miss Kris: What?!?! That's superb!
And yes...Toronto is very nice. (better late than never - ;/)
Had you written anything prior?
Sebastien: I write non-fiction. I've written fiction in the past but they've been short stories, etc.
Miss Kris: Have they been published...out 'there'?
Sebastien: Yes. And carried in book stores, no less. (I know, it's shocking)
Miss Kris: Is it under your name (assuming)?
Sebastien: Yes - my boring RL name.
Miss Kris: running to book store...see ya
What type of non-fiction?
Sebastien: Articles mostly, book reviews, opinion pieces, etc.
Miss Kris: Omigosh! Which magazine/newspapers?
Sebastien: Can't say. Sorry :)
Miss Kris: Drat! (trying to refrain from swearing)
Sebastien: I'm not snarky in my RL writing. I can't be. (Although I try to be humourous when a appropriate)
Ok here is something - I contributed to a volume that was reviewed by the Globe & Mail
Miss Kris: Really? The good 'old' G & M, huh?
Sebastien: I think the G&M is a good newspaper. I like their Books section (self-interest aside) and their opinions section.
Miss Kris: Don't really know...don't read it...but my girl-friend in high school used to work on the switchboard (I know!) and her dad worked there for decades in the printing press or something...
Like I said...M>not 'smart'<E
Sebastien: (I find that hard to believe)
I have a G&M iPhone app, that makes reading it so much easier.
Miss Kris: I'm just...'old'.
Sebastien: So am I. I went to the University of Paris before Etienne Tempier began mucking about with the curriculum.
Miss Kris: Ha-ha… that will always make me laugh...
enough about me...change the subject before you ask me how old
Sebastien: I would never ask a Lady her age.
Miss Kris: swoon I somehow actually knew you would say that..
Sebastien: See? I'm not a person of mystery
Miss Kris: Well..I, as well as I'm sure a couple thousand or million more ladies, would like to think that a lot of you is depicted in 'your' Edward.
Sebastien: And you wouldn't be wrong. But I'm in Peter, too,
Miss Kris: All the 'nice' parts, I'm sure..
Sebastien: I try, but like Edward, I'm a recalcitrant sinner.
Miss Kris: Well, not that we'd be adverse to some of the bad parts...really any parts...
Sebastien: I do have parts.
Miss Kris: ummm... Where did that towel go....?
Sebastien: Is it purple? (looks around) Here it is, Dear.
Miss Kris: It's any colour you ...ooh..thanks swoons
Thinking... Oh yeah...notes...
When and why did you read Twilight?
Sebastien: I read it by accident. The shop girl who sold it to me told me it was about vampires. (it was and it wasn't) But I was stuck in a hotel in Texas for a week on business with very little to do in the evenings other than watch bad cable and drink.
Miss Kris: Did you read it just once?
Sebastien: I only read it thru once and then I think I skimmed the more vampiry parts after I finished the others, because of course, I had to find out what happened to the vampires.I was an Anne Rice fan.
Miss Kris: You must have an excellent/photographic memory..
Sebastien: My memory is pretty good for some things.
Miss Kris: I was not into the whole vampire thing AT ALL.
Sebastien: It was a fun read. But it needed more vampires.
Miss Kris: I've read it oh...8 times through...or so
Which one did you like the best/least?
Sebastien: I think I liked Eclipse the best. I didn't like New Moon - I thought the plot with Edward leaving was OOC.
Miss Kris: Agree..I usually just read/watch the beginning and the end of NM.
Have you watched the movies?
Sebastien: I think I saw it on an airplane on my way back from Europe - and received very suspicious looks from the people around me.
Miss Kris: I bet.
Sebastien: I saw Twilight on DVD. I thought they didn't do that great of a job translating it to screen - but I tend to dislike films made out of books because they tend not to do the books justice.
Miss Kris: It was horrible...made me mad.
Sebastien: The production values were not that great.
Miss Kris: I could have done a better job...and that's saying something…cheaper, too
Sebastien: (chuckling) You should re do it. And then enter it in the TIFF -
Toronto International Film Festival
Miss Kris: Oh sorry...less expensive...and YES I know what TIFF is rolls eyes
Sebastien: (sorry I was thinking of your readers)
Miss Kris: What readers?
Sebastien: The people who read your website.
Miss Kris: Oh yea...the blog…
Sebastien: ...and follow you on Twitter.
Miss Kris: I have followers? Shit...if I'd only known.
Sebastien: (chuckling) You're quite funny.
Miss Kris: You're making me cry.
Sebastien: (hands you a handkerchief) Please don't cry.
Miss Kris: Wait...it's just a cat hair.
Sebastien: Readers were always writing to me telling me they were crying and I always felt bad.
Miss Kris: But, don’t you think it’s fantastic to evoke emotion through your words?
Ooh...I'll add to my collection...a towel...now a hankie.
Sebastien: I want people to be happy.
Miss Kris: Oh...now I remember the most horrible cliffie you left the readers with...
Sebastien: (here we go)
Miss Kris: Where Bella runs out into the street...and gets hit... You knew it.
Sebastien: Yes?
Miss Kris: I screamed.
Sebastien: Oh. Sorry. I should probably apologize to your family and neighbours, too. Sorry everyone.
Miss Kris: Yes...I can be loud.
Sebastien: (that's what she said)
Miss Kris: Who?
Sebastien: It's a quote from "The Office" and a very bad, very overused joke. My profound apologies.
Miss Kris: You tend to forget (and you said your memory was good)..that M>not smart<E
Sebastien: Bella needed to be hit by the van - it was a canon element, with a twist. She needed to learn to think before reacting.
Miss Kris: OMG...I didn't even get that...DUH!!!!! (and now my neighbours can hear that)
Sebastien: (Hello, Neighbours) It was a severe mercy.
Miss Kris: They're really very nice neighbours...they think I'm looney.
Hah...a Canadian joke!
Looney? Twoney?
Sebastien: Tooney? Twoney?
Miss Kris: Oops…
Sebastien: It's spelled both ways.
Miss Kris: I know..I always thought it should be spelled that way
I obviously didn't win that contest.
Sebastien: (laughing) Don’t get me started on Canadian Tire money.
Miss Kris: Yes my hubs loves Canadian Tire Money..I get the Shoppers Drug Optimum Points.
Sebastien: You'll have to heavily edit this.
Miss Kris: No way!
Sebastien: (sigh)
Miss Kris: (sorry)
Question #...ah..hell..who cares!
Question #...ah..hell..who cares!
Do any of your RL friends know you have written FanFiction?
Sebastien: Um, no. They don't even know I write fiction.
I'm in the fiction-writing closet. It's a big closet. Very roomy.
Miss Kris: I was going to ask...can I come in? I won't be a bother.
Sebastien: Absolutely. Move the mink fur coat out of the way. It's my mother's.
Miss Kris: Mink? Oooh..
Sebastien: If you keep walking, you'll hit Narnia.
Miss Kris: I can't...laughing..
Sebastien: Say hi to Mr. Tumnus for me. We're old chums.
Miss Kris: Stop! No...don't!
Sebastien: (that's what she said)
Miss Kris: taking off sweater
It's suddenly extremely HOT in here.
Sebastien: No, darling, it's just you.
Miss Kris: Wait...what are you implying?
I'm very sensitive.
Sebastien: Then you should wear cashmere, by all means.
Miss Kris: I doo...
I also write on paper with a Swarovski pen...lah-di-dah
Sebastien: Sinward would approve. He's awfully particular about his pens. And his nibs.
Miss Kris: Let's talk about nibs...
Sebastien: Yes, let's.
Miss Kris: Never heard them referred to as such.
(having a 'serious' discussion here)
Sebastien: Hello? Yes? Nibs on a fountain pen, yes.
Miss Kris: lost
Sebastien: Some people refuse to use a ball point.
Miss Kris: …or paper.
Sebastien: Sinward is one of them.
Miss Kris: Right...I remember now...
Sebastien: …his sparkling nib (ahem)
Miss Kris: cough Ok
Question # (oh..why do I bother!)
Were you ever on Twitter?
Sebastien: No. I'm not even on facebook.
I shy away from all of those things. I'm lucky I have email.
I like writing letters with a pen and ink on paper.
Miss Kris: Ahh... swoon
Sebastien: I'm old.
Miss Kris: There's that age thing again...I'm NOT telling...
Sebastien: Nor am I.
Miss Kris: You're trying to trick me...
Sebastien: Now why would I try to do that?
(whistles, whilst looking at the ceiling innocently)
Miss Kris: You don't care...sniff
Sebastien: Here's my last handkerchief. I'll have to get more.
Miss Kris: I love that tune... Thanks...I bet I could get a pretty penny for these...
You 'do' know that there are a LOT of ladies out there...ready to kill me...when they find out about my convo with you...right?
Sebastien: No, I don't.
Miss Kris: Well...now you do.
Sebastien: (looks around nervously) I think this is a fiction. A myth. I only had a few readers, they simply had multiple accounts and kept creating new ones.
Miss Kris: shakes head
Sebastien: They were probably all my Mother.
Miss Kris: Do you know how many reviews you had in total...your mother???
Sebastien: Um, if I had to guess, I'd say take Icy's total and divide it by 200 000.
Miss Kris: You. Are. Legend. WOW!!
Sebastien: divide it by 200 000 (joke)
Miss Kris: Seriously, now you're asking me to do the math...?
Sebastien: I mean MOTU is the story with the most reviews ever, I believe. And I'm fairly confident that "Wide Awake" and "Clipped Wings" are next.
Miss Kris: I have not read the latter two...really?
Sebastien: "Clipped Wings" is by Hunterhunting. She's a Canadian, you should read her work on principle.
Miss Kris: Ok. I have heard of her.
Sebastien: But you'll have to go to her blog in order to do it, for the Literary Union went after her on FF and she was booted off.
Miss Kris: That seems to happen a lot...smutty?
Sebastien: They reported me and tried to get UOEM kicked off.
Miss Kris: No way!
Sebastien: And emailed me about it to say they were doing it.
(smiles) Who do you think the inspiration for Amanda L'Union was? Mandy from the Literate Union!
Miss Kris: Aha! (pretending like I know who you're talking about)
Sebastien: She drove the van that hit Bella.
Miss Kris: Laughing…out loud...
(I'm a newbie to all of this)
Sebastien: It was a metaphor for trying to drive UOEM off the FF road.
Mandy posted a review in July, I think, telling me she was reporting me.
Miss Kris: Okay...now you're just trying to confuse me...I'm coming into that closet until you explain it ALL to me.
I’m needy...MOG held my hand as I read his story...just saying...
Sebastien: It's common knowledge there is a group on FF that report Twilight stories for Terms of Service Violations. They are called the Literate Union. One of their members, a woman called Mandy, reported UOEM and notified me of it in a review of one of the chapters back in July.
Miss Kris: That BITCH! (*giggles, waves* Hi Mandy…jk)
Sebastien: This is the same group who went after Icy's story and had her kicked off, the same with Hunterhunting and I don't know who all. With respect, UOEM was a lot different from those other stories, but I was reported nonetheless. (although they had to read what, 25 chapters before there was a lemon?)
Miss Kris: It sure is a LOT different. I totally understand why MOTU got booted off..
Sebastien: At least in terms of lemons. I'm more of a persimmon person, myself.
Miss Kris: Never had a persimmon...
Sebastien: Theyr'e quite nice.
Miss Kris: Hmm...will have to look into that.
Oh...yeah...next question (forgot how to spell)
I'm assuming that you're married, only by the e-mails I recall receiving (so wishing I hadn't deleted those)...
Does she read FF?
Sebastien: No. Perhaps one FF person in a relationship is enough.
Miss Kris: Interesting...do you read a lot of FF?
Sebastien: No. But there are times when I'm an insomniac and I read quite a bit when I can't sleep.
Miss Kris: Do you read certain authors...or just random picks?
Sebastien: In the beginning it was random, because I didn't know anyone. And much of what I read wasn't very appealing, now I have a solid list of favourites and I'd read other things from those authors. But I like to find new authors and help other people find them. For example, I read Spring Hale's story "Never Bargained for you" and Emmanuelle Nathan's "This Buried Life." Both are excellent, each very different from the other.
Miss Kris: cough You did read some of mine... hides
Sebastien: I met the authors through their reviews of UOEM.
I did and I enjoyed it. You have a very interesting premise.
Miss Kris: looks at you oddly...you...remembered?
Sebastien: Yours was about the older woman in Starbucks down on King Street, right?
Miss Kris: HOLY SHIT!
Sebastien: Not too many stories are set in Toronto, remember? UOEM, yours and Georgie Girl's "The Weight of Words".
Miss Kris: Actually...on Front...but who cares?
Sebastien: That's it. I think. Is there a Starbucks on Front Street - Front and what?
Miss Kris: I'll change it.
Sebastien: NO don't change it. It's possible I forgot.
Miss Kris: Near...CN tower.
Sebastien: There's a Starbucks there?
Miss Kris: You have just killed me.
Sebastien: Inside the Rogers Centre?
Miss Kris: No...I think it's...umm...near Yonge Street?
The Bay..??
I don't know about Rogers Centre...don't get out much
(Side Note: I could not go to sleep thinking that I had made a serious error in my fic...so...after Google-ing it later this night, I found there is one near the St. Lawrence Market, east of Yonge St.)
(Side Note: I could not go to sleep thinking that I had made a serious error in my fic...so...after Google-ing it later this night, I found there is one near the St. Lawrence Market, east of Yonge St.)
Sebastien: Oh. Hmmm.. I remember when you asked me to read it you only had one or two chapters posted.
Miss Kris: Yeah...I do HEAVY research on my story.
Sebastien: I remember the heroine sitting in a Starbucks and meeting Edward and he's younger and an actor. I can't remember if he's British.
Miss Kris: I can't even...mind blown
I have your review framed...and it was at Chapter 6...but that surprised me because I also thought it was only a few chapters into it.
Sebastien: You're too kind.
Miss Kris: Well..I got up to chapter...maybe 28 or so...and pulled it...to re-vamp (haha-a funny)
and now I'm on to Ch. 11.
Sebastien: re-vampyre
Miss Kris: Right smh
I don't even have a beta <--big mistake, right?
Sebastien: Everyone needs a beta. And that's what Project Team Beta is for. I hear they do good work.
Miss Kris: I keep hearing that.
Sebastien: And people end up making very good friends with their betaes. I did.
Miss Kris: Need another beta?
Sebastien: (chuckling)
Miss Kris: I'm...serious…ask Jennde..she'll vouch for me. (sorry, Jenn)
Sebastien: That's very kind of you to offer. But if there's another project, I've already promised Jennde, or rather, begged her not to leave me
Miss Kris: k...gotta go (insulted) NOT!!
Sebastien: Trust me. You wouldn't want to work with me.
I'm a nightmare
Miss Kris: I...love nightmares?
Sebastien: You're very funny. Maybe your story should be a comedy.
Miss Kris: Okay...thanks..you're sweet…it has a bit of it, but I’m all about the angst.
Oh wait...my 'life' story?...it is very funny.
Question # 1:
Do you drink when you write? (like me...now)
Sebastien: Sometimes. I have a job that requires me to show up on time and sober so one must be moderate.
Miss Kris: Yes...moderate...moderta...moder-a-tion...yes!
Sebastien: RoseArcadia designed the blinkie. It should be on her blog but they were also posted on the Twilighted thread - near the beginning. They should call that thread Leviathan.
Miss Kris: I found a Book Club site dedicated to the classics referred to in UOEM...have you been involved in that at all?
Sebastien: Not really. I didn't have time. It was started by some of the readers.
Miss Kris: You have some amazingly dedicated readers, yes?
Sebastien: Yes. Absolutely.
Miss Kris: Do you have a playlist for all of the songs you used in the story?
Sebastien: I don't know how to manufacture those things, but a reader of mine put one together. There were also youtube videos that used some of the music.
Miss Kris: I did see a few youtube videos..but the other day when I went to see them via bookmarks I'd made..they were unavailable.
Sebastien: That happened to one of the Matthew Barber songs I'd linked - someone replaced it with an anthropological research project, I think. It was quite surprising.
Miss Kris: Hah! So it wasn't just my ineptitude (love it when a big word pops into my head...have to use it)
Sebastien: Maybe MB decided he didn't want UOEM fans commenting on his youtube videos.
Miss Kris: Really? They can do that?
Sebastien: If you look up MB's "You and Me" the song isn't correct, but it says it's MB and there are comments underneath by UOEM readers.
Miss Kris: I'll try it.
You wouldn't happen to have a link to the playlist a reader made, would you?
Sebastien: Just a minute let me look.
Miss Kris: drinks a glass of wine, smells towel, hankie, sighs
Miss Kris: Thank You!
Sebastien: You're welcome.
Miss Kris: That is awesome...
Sebastien: The reader's name is Zoe. She's very nice.
Miss Kris: Thanks to Zoe <3
Will you be writing any new stories for your readers any time soon?
Sebastien: I hope so. I enjoy writing and I am grateful for the readership I had
Miss Kris: I hope so too.
Sebastien: I would like to write a vampyre story. But at the moment, I wouldn't write it as a fan fiction. Things could change, I suppose ...
Miss Kris: Dante, Beatrice, Aquinas...do you have a special love for those characters? Where did that come from?
Sebastien: Yes (chuckling)
Dante deserved his own fan fiction. Something better than the video game.
Miss Kris: Video game?
Sebastien: There's a Dante video game.
Miss Kris: Ah...(pretending that I am going to go buy that)
Sebastien: (I'm going to have to go in about 5 minutes, okay?)
Miss Kris: Okay...tears welling...
Sebastien: Don't cry. You know where you can find me ... (I'm fresh out of hankies at the moment)
Miss Kris: You have been AMAZING to chat with...
Sebastien: You're very kind. Thank you for asking stimulating questions
Miss Kris: I didn't really know what to expect...
Sebastien: (chuckling) Great conversations are VERY stimulating, don't you think? (winks)
Miss Kris: nods furiously uh-huh
Also...very...thought provoking...(trying to say something intelligent)
Sebastien: You're too hard on yourself. I've found you to be a great conversationalist. Thank you for wanting to interview me for your website. I'm flattered to have been asked.
Miss Kris: and...you might want to change your e-mail address...I might be like, stalking you...
Sebastien: I'll be hiding out in the Starbucks on Front Street ... maybe.
Miss Kris: I'm SOOO there...every day...at...whispers you tell me when, k?
Sebastien: I'll be the one in the beret.
Miss Kris: Beret? Honey...
Sebastien: (that won't help. Half the city wears berets in winter)
Miss Kris: So..you ARE in the city...
Sebastien: I COULD be ...
Miss Kris: I'm so clever...pats myself on the shoulder
Sebastien: But you wouldn't recognize me. I'd be the schmuck you asked to take out the garbage.
Miss Kris: I thought we should have done this in person...I'm not that picky...I'd help you.
Sebastien: (laughing) You won't drag me out of my fiction closet. I'm clinging to Mother's mink coat ...
Miss Kris: I bet if I batted my baby blues...
Sebastien: (still clinging)
Miss Kris: I'm coming in after you.
Sebastien: (heading to Narnia post-haste)
Miss Kris: I'll just stay with you...in the closet…come on. I won't tell.
Sebastien: That's what she said.
Miss Kris: I will find you...
Sebastien: Got to jet ...
Miss Kris: Okaaayyyy....
Thank you so very much...you don't even know how thrilled I was to get this interview...
Sebastien: You're very kind. Thank YOU.
Have a great night, Miss Kris. It's been a pleasure talking to you.
Miss Kris: All mine..trust me...Good night.
And so ends my evening of bliss. SR, you are truly wonderful.
p.s. please forgive the font issues in this interview...Blogger was being super bitchy to me as I was editing...
Wonderful....very funny!!!
When I'm done giggling, I'll post a proper comment.
That was a fun read, you two.
I love it!
SR and Miss Kris,
thanks for sharing this! It was lots of fun to read.
Still hoping to read that Vampyre story SR....where ever and how ever you decide to share it.
I laughed so hard while reading this! Thank you for the interview Kris and SR!
Very cool, BB :)
Loved that interview. It was really funny. He's such a sweet person and your soo hilarious. Thank you Miss Kris and SR :)
Thank you that was very insightful. Still wondering if he plans to post on his own sight ala Icy & Hunterhunting?
I can't begin to thank you for this because SR sounds like himself and he sounds happy. Very clever exchanges here. Delightful fun. I'll stop mourning his disappearance and look forward to his next fic, wherever and whatever. I doubted he'd be back. Now I'm convinced it's only a matter of time before he's impressing us again. This euphoria is directly due to the whimsy that drove you to invite him to be interviewed. My compliments. Beautifully done! Jbabs
That was funny, delightful and a thrill to read. I love SR and his work and its great to see this funny, silly side of him. Thank you. x
sooo happy for you to having interviewed him (you are one lucky girl) and for SR to come out and play for a little bit! I've missed him terribly!
This was also very funny and witty!
Thanks so very much honey! Great job!
That was incredibly funny. Loved it. SR is always a pleasure. whoo hooo
I have just read UoEM for the first time (pdf version) and am captivated by SR! This story has become my all-time favourite. I would have loved to have had the chance to review. Is there anywhere you know of Miss Kris where I could do this? (I'm subscribing to you so if you can give me directions you'll have my email). Fantastic interview!
J'ai beaucoup aimé lire TUOEM, une des meilleures fictions Bella/Edward. Merci pour cette interview très sympathique.
Just found out about this interview and had to tell you how much I enjoyed it. It was hysterical at times. I love SR's sense of humor and yours. There is no one else like him. Thanks for a job well done!
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