Inaugural Interview with Morgan Locklear

The very first Author Interview

The uber-talented male author of Twi-Fic... @MorganLocklear who wrote Bella Voce
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Interview with @MorganLocklear

September 25, 2010

Morgan Locklear, author of Bella Voce on FFnet & Twilighted agreed to chat with ‘moi’ after a chance encounter on Twitter one lonely night (pour moi)…he was at first brash, but the more we chatted, the easier I found him to be…and likeable…and then…I started reading his story…

He stuck with me as I read…keeping track of my reviews..the pressure was on for me. Could I live up to expectations? I wanted to impress. He wasn’t deterred and it was like having my own personal author to guide me through this fabulous period story set in Paris, France.

I didn’t want to catch up to the ‘masses’ and be just like one of them. I felt ‘special’…yeah, so I fan-girl-ed him…a LOT.

Go ahead, make fun of me. I still get the last laugh, being the one who got his sole attention. *sticks tongue out*

So, without any further blabbering or swooning, I bring you…*drumroll*


MOG: Howdy, just got your review, thank you.

ME: You’re welcome. Suddenly I’m nervous as all “get out”!

MOG: Haha…that’s a compliment. I’m just a dude, this is my first story, and I had cold pizza for breakfast.

ME: Ok…I had oatmeal…hot.

If there’s something you don’t want to answer, just say “no comment” or some journalistic mumbo-jumbo…

MOG: I’m on my new iPad…no limits.

ME: Hmmm…NO limits?

First question—Do you wear clothes when you’re writing?

MOG: I write in the living room and that is a ‘clothes-on’ zone in our house.

ME: Ok…well that was my only question….kidding!

Do you need privacy when you are writing or is everyone banned from the area?

MOG: No, but I do have to put the headphones on sometimes.

ME: You can actually concentrate while listening to music?

MOG: Yes, I have written Bella Voce to the Beatles, Underworld, Danny Elfman’s band (before he started composing).

ME: What is on your iPod?

MOG: Everything but Country and Rap.

ME: No rap!?!

Clearly, we are not going to get along! And don’t get me started on Country…LOL

MOG: Well, I do like Nelly and Eminem and Fifty and Will Smith, Cee-Lo Green and Oingo Boingo...

ME: Do you write at a certain time of day, or just when the mood strikes?

MOG: I write on Mondays and Tuesdays…all day.

ME: And when is the editing done?

MOG: Jenn (wife-@AquariumJenn) reads it on Wednesdays and gives me notes. On Thursdays she does the proper beta and then we have it pre-read.

ME: What if you have writer’s block? And have you ever had it?

MOG: I ask myself that question every Sunday night. And sometimes I have for an hour or two, but I usually turn it around. If it’s not happening, I watch TV.

ME: What shows do you like to watch?

MOG: I like a lot of sci-fi, but Ice Road Truckers has been known to catch my eye. I love The Big Bang Theory too.

ME: Did you see the episode of Ice Truckers where they drive through a Starbucks in the middle of frickin’ nowhere?

MOG: Ha ha, nope. Well, they’re already everywhere else.

ME: Made me laugh.

MOG: Jenn doesn’t let me drink coffee…I’m too hyper already.

ME: I was wondering about that…

How long did it take you to write BV?

MOG: I started posting on Valentine’s Day 2010, and last chapter went up today, Sept. 25/10.

We posted every Saturday with 3 breaks due to RL commitments.
Not that ‘this’ doesn’t feel real. Ha-ha.

ME: I know…the Internet…sort of doesn’t feel real because you can’t always see or hear the person you’re talking to. It’s like living in virtual reality, isn’t it?

MOG: Right you are.

ME: So…I still haven’t found your picture. You’re hiding it well or it’s my inability to ‘search’ on the web.
Hey, that really makes me sound…creep-y.

MOG: There is one buried on my new website,

plus there’s a picture of me and my son on Facebook, taken when we were at Disneyland.
ME: What are your main distractions?

MOG: Kids. But it’s important to me that they don’t think the computer is more important than they are. That’s why I let them distract me.

ME: I have that same distraction. Mine come into my ‘office’ aka the bed, and just plop themselves in front of me to chat.

Before you started writing BV did you have a definite direction and goal set in your mind?

MOG: Characters and atmosphere only…didn’t know it was going to be two books until May.

ME: We hear authors speaking about their characters ‘talking’ to them, leading the story. Does this happen with yours?

MOG: Oh, yes. They certainly don’t listen to me. Sometimes I threaten them with no humping.

ME: Can you give an example?

MOG: Emmett is an idiot who never does what I want him to. He doesn’t even obey his friends at times. He’s fun though, so he gets away with a lot. He’s a handful and will only get worse, I’m afraid.
Esme is a bit weak, if I’m being honest, but she often is.

ME: He’s great! Ooh… cannot wait to read the sequel…

I love how you’ve depicted Edward, in the beginning, as sort of a ‘doofus’…am I correct?

MOG: Yes, he was canon Bella and she was the strong one. Cheap role reversal when you think about it.

ME: It was a refreshing change, actually. Everybody hates how weak Bella is.

Is there a specific character you absolutely love writing in first person?

MOG: I love Jacob. He’s a real top drawer guy.

ME: I was impressed by all of the knowledge you imbedded into the story (i.e. scientific/geographical/ historical).

Do you come by this information normally or did you have to do research?

MOG: I went to college, but like Jacob, I’m a sucker for good trivia. I thought it added a flavor and let us all breathe from time to time.

This story has real life and death and that must be carefully orchestrated. The trivia and humor are tools that most reflect my personality.
Most facts I knew already and just thought they would be a nice morsel for the mind. Some I discovered…like the city of San Sebastian.

ME: Have you visited any of the places you’ve written about?

MOG: No. In fact, that’s why I chose Paris. It wasn’t even on my radar – also it was a neat time to be in France.
I have been to New York though and loved it. The next book (The Brute Patrol) has one hell of a backdrop for me to ‘play’ in.

ME: It sure is. I was there last May and it was amazing. I took notes of everything I saw and the architecture is astounding.

I have a question about your little ‘Nuggets’…when I was reading and reviewing, I found one, which you admitted to and let me in on…

Have you revealed any other ‘nuggets’ in your Author’s Notes?

MOG: I have not revealed any others, except to Jenn.

ME: Would you consider revealing any…perhaps on your website?

MOG: I could reveal one…about the French language reference.
I posted that chapter during the Olympics. French is the official language of the Olympics because it was designed to cause no accidental misunderstandings. Everything in French sounds only like what it means and means only what it sounds like.

ME: Are you humorous by nature, a practical joker, or a punster?

MOG: Just a wordslinger, ma’am. I do like to scare my kids…does that count?

ME: Ok…so no practical jokes, singing telegrams…

WAIT!...did you just call me ‘ma’am’?



MOG: Hah!

ME: You use various sayings/ terms/colloquialisms…are they true to the time period of BV?

MOG: Everything in BV is true except the vampires…even the ‘flutterbys’ are true, a fact I’ve known since childhood.

ME: What was the first FF story you read?

MOG: The University of Edward Masen by Sebastian Robichaud.
I liked it right away and knew the author was a man immediately.
Most men come out of reading UoEM saying, “That guy sure does like shoes!”

ME: Did you buy your wife a pair?

MOG: (silence)

ME: Do you prefer AU or AH?

MOG: I like Alternate Universe.

ME: Me too. The very first fic I stumbled upon was MotU…

It started off all ‘innocent’ and then…BAM! I didn’t know what hit me.

ME: Lemons…I have yet to touch upon them.

MOG: So…touch.

ME: Ok…Do you find it hard to write lemons?

MOG: Sure. I had a hard time at first but Jenn says I’m doing well. I would not have included love scenes had it not been expected.

ME: Do you do research for it, like read other work? What were you thinking during the writing of the lemons?

MOG: Ha—just the old-fashioned kind.

ME: Uh-huh. *fans self*

Do you imagine Edwad and Bella when writing them versus the pure mechanics of the ‘act’?

MOG: I do, but I tend to rush them…Jenn wants me stretch them out, so I do. I think they suck until she pats me on the head and says, “C’est bon”.

ME: You obviously do a good job of it…”Oui”.

ME: It’s obvious that you don’t use profanity in your style. Is that a conscious decisions or just the way you roll?

MOG: Absolutely, I figured that if I was going to write, I would keep it artistic.

ME: And now I’d like to ask you about your music, if you have time.

MOG: Yes, I will stay for music. I have a few bands.

ME: What are the names of those bands?

MOG: Cool Beans, Miracle Max, Absolute Value
Miracle Max broke up over Bella Voce.

ME: Why the break-up?

MOG: Band mate got mad that I released ‘Lost and Found’ on a blog. We are on iTunes and he just wanted the money. He insulted me with a severe reaction to the decision, so I gave him a severe reaction he won’t ever forget – “Bu-bye”

ME: Oohh…tuff guy…love it *swoon*

The music linked to Bella Voce…are they your own compositions?

MOG: The music is, oh yes, and I’m not trying to sell records. I’m trying to tell a story. The music is an enhancement, not a scam to make a buck.

ME: It is truly a gift for the reader as I can attest to.
Do you play gigs? Where?

MOG: Yup, mostly in Portland with Cool Beans.

ME: Do you tell your audience about your writing?

MOG: Sometimes…I’m very proud of Bella Voce.

ME: You so should be.

You collaborated with @BettiGefecht, how did you meet?

MOG: Betti found Bella Voce and hounded me to listen to her stuff…it’s brilliant. I became a fan and now we duet together from time to time in each other’s fics.

ME: It must be difficult to collaborate, considering she lives in Germany.

MOG: It would be if she wasn’t so good. All I do is sing…she does EVERYTHING else.
ME: Wow. Interesting. She does seem to be quite the ball of energy.

MOG: We are quite the pair.

ME: You should get together…live.

MOG: One day…in New York, I hope…

ME: Really? I so will be there!

ME: OK…thank you so, so much for agreeing to chat with me.

MOG: Thank you. Great questions. I appreciate that.

And so ends 'Part Une' of my in-depth interview with Morgan Locklear.
MOG has promised a Part Deux, which I will hold him to…because he is now my Bestie (sorry Jenn).
MOG, don’t forget to put the butt pad on!! LOL
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Interview with Betti Gefecht

October 2, 2010

Interview with @bettigefecht

Betti is a super-talented singer/songwriter/author/blogger/mom/wife/woman/badass(sorry Twinsie)/friend/blinkie maker
As well as authoring her own fic "Your True Colors", she wrote some excellent songs with @Morgan Locklear for both of their fic's.

She agreed to chat with me after we got to 'know' each other through Twitter. We have a lot in common...our age for one...which is a HUGE plus for me. We can relate on so many levels. I enjoy her sense of humor and am in awe of her talent. I am truly blessed to have made her acquaintance. We have so much fun!

Without further adieu...the "Interview"…

me: hey babes

bettigefecht: Yay!

me: k- so just wanted to start by saying that the first part of our chat will be about the music aspect, your association with MOG (@MorganLocklear), k?

bettigefecht: yup

me: And if there's anythingy you don't want to answer just say 'no comment' or some such journalistic mumbo jumbo

bettigefecht: LOL! ok just shoot

me: g-chat typing is being a bitch for me right bear with me

bettigefecht: no prob

me: #1
so...heard you had sex today…? to elaborate?

bettigefecht: Hahaha!!! Is that going to be part of the official interview, or are girl on girl right now?


bettigefecht: I don't mind elaborating.

me: I like to break the ice...yes...go on...
I don't mind listening.

bettigefecht: ok....It was my first sex in months, thus the excitement *shrugs*

me: Mmmm-hmmm...

me: Are you married?

bettigefecht: yes

me: How long?

bettigefecht: Almost 30 years

me: oohh--we just celebrated 30 years In July

bettigefecht: woohoo - congrats

me: Hubs took me to Paris...Eiffel Tower...

bettigefecht: wow... very BV (Bella Voce)

me: did you find Morgan Locklear?

bettigefecht: I was doing research on male fic writers, planning on a blogpost about them. I found a few, actually. When I read MOG's profile, I saw 'singer/songwriter' which piqued my interest of course. I listened to his songs, And then I started bugging the living shit outta him.

me: cool
How long did it take for him to bite?

bettigefecht: Oh boy, he was stubborn.
It took me three weeks I think, to kinda stand out of his army of fangirls. He just didn't take me serious in the beginning.

me: I bet he's a happy camper now

bettigefecht: OH YES!

me: Sooo...he has an army of fangirls?

bettigefecht: Yes... all the countless tweet girls drooling over the male writer.

me: I know...being a rarity...have to admit I fangirl-ed him a bit, too.

bettigefecht: lol
It took a while before he acknowledged that I am actually a serious musician.

me: How do you manage to collaborate on the songs?
Do you chat about content beforehand?

Bettigefecht: In this case, i.e. Morgan's song Watching NY Go By, he sent me an audio file with 'Carlisle's voice', a cappella, for starters. He also sent me Rosalie's voice. Then I started to mix things together, sang Rosalie's part and added Esme. We mailed back and forth a few times, so he could check intermediate results, until we were both fine with the end result.

me: Wow...sounds so would he 'send' a particular voice?

bettigefecht: He drove me nuts, insisting on a harbor bell... duh! Try to find a harbor bell audio file...

me: lol

bettigefecht: He sang it and recorded it.

me: When you say Rose's/Esme's/Carlisle's...did he mix/change his own voice?

bettigefecht: He sent Carlisle and Rose in separate files. His Carlisle file is the one I used for the recording. The Rose file was just for me to learn the melody.

me: When was all this done?

Bettigefecht: It was done mid August, and took three or four days

me: It only took that long? MOG said you did most of the work...where did you learn to do it?

And how?

bettigefecht: I was a professional musician and made a living with it until 1991.

me: How old were you when you started? Obviously you're not just a singer/ have a lot of computer background?

bettigefecht: I started to perform at the age of 14, going on tour with 'the older guys', you know. Won several prizes too. German record industry awards and shit. I met my husband, also a musician, when I was nineteen. So music was kinda my destiny, LOL.
Computer weren't used back then.

me: You must have to use them doing these collaborations right?

bettigefecht: Yes, it's all learning by doing.

me: Ok-so you're a braniac as well!

bettigefecht: It's not very professional standard tho. It's just for fun.
Hubs and I own a 'real' record studio.

me: cools

bettigefecht: But I don't use it for this stuff, hubs would get mad at me LOL

me: My son has a punk rock band...has done a couple of cd's
other son does electronic music online

bettigefecht: yay- talented kids...

me: Yeah, they don't fall from the your son musically inclined?

bettigefecht: He was. Had several cds out too. But he's more into art. He works as a game designer/comic artist/illustrator now, he has published some of his own comic novels in the US too btw.

me: That is cool--your son sounds talented.

bettigefecht: Did you see my music clip on Youtube for Do The Right Thing? Son and hubs are in it.

Me: Let's talk about the Master of the Universe tribute song...

Bettigehecht: Ok... MotU...

me: When did you make this song/video?

bettigefecht: Two weeks ago.

me: Really? It's uber-amazing and HOT!

bettigefecht: Thanks.

me: You also do blinkies and such...
*Cough* Have you done ones for many others, or just for yourself? *cough*

bettigefecht: lol - Mostly for others.

bettigefecht: throwing in youtube url

Me: Thanks for that! Now excuse me, have to go change my panties…

Bettigefecht: The family project is Do The Right Thing

Back to banners and blinkies.... I do them in a special kind of signature style, no usual manips
You gotta take it or leave it, it's always that certain style.

Me: Thought I saw/heard this: do you have a connection with @RoseArcadia?

bettigefecht: Oh yes, we became Twitter buddies just recently, and we've been mutually admiring each other from afar though.

me: That is cool...I've been a fan of her's as well for awhile now.

bettigefecht: She's great! And such a sweetheart too.

me: She told me to read Last Tango in Forks by @AwesomeSauce416...have you read?

bettigefecht: Oh yes, a must-read! Totes hot!!!

me: LOVE it, sooo much, too!

What style of music do you like to listen to?

bettigefecht: Uhm... I don't listen to music.

me: Oh...ok. You're like my hubs...he used to write songs and said it would mess his up.

bettigefecht: Something like that, yes.
I don't even have a stereo in my living area.

me: Really? What instruments do you play?

bettigefecht: Almost everything except for brass.

me: Were you professionally taught?

bettigefecht: No.

me: Do you read music or play by ear?

bettigefecht: Yes, by ear, it's convenient, I can read music though.

me: Which instrument do you enjoy playing the most?

bettigefecht: Guitar.

me: Acoustic?

bettigefecht: Yes, but most of all I enjoy...not having to play any instrument at all!!!

me: Wish I could play guitar...
Do you mostly sing?

bettigefecht: You can still learn.

me: I play piano.

bettigefecht: Yes, singing is better than sex.

me: WHAT??

bettigefecht: Yup.

me: Now I see why you hadn't in such a while...hmmm...

bettigefecht: LOL
THAT's not
the reason.
Maybe I would think differently if I had more sex.

me: Ok...don't believe I'm going to say this..but for the love of your singing...DON'T!

bettigefecht: Haha

me: So, do you see yourself coming to the U.S. to meet up with MOG and do some gigs?

bettigefecht: Nope. I'm coming to the US again in March 2011, but I won't get anywhere near the place he lives.

me: I would so be there, if you did.

bettigefecht: Awww...

me: Maybe you guys could arrange to meet ...where will you be?

bettigefecht: IOWA

me: Iowa?

bettigefecht: yes
me: Personal or music related?

bettigefecht: Personal, seeing my girlfriend again.

me: Nice

bettigefecht: My sweetheart Uhyesplease.

me: Oh...your beta.

bettigefecht: Yes. We also collab'ed on a duet, did you hear?

me: No! Please tell me about it.

bettigefecht: Ah it's all on my YTC (Your True Colors) blog.

me: Ok...I think I read about something...haven't checked yet...but definitely will.

bettigefecht: Hawwt Eddy illustrations too.... Smexy. The duet is on youtube too.

me: I will check it out.

bettigefecht: There are quite a few singing talents in fandom.
I'm actually planning on a fandom all stars song.

me: That would be awesome...I could do interview for that...all of you...??

bettigefecht: Sure.
I have six singers already, really talented ones.

And that's it for the 'Official Interview" I will have a second session with Betti in a bit into the future to discuss other interests...her fic...the music all-stars...look for it exclusively here...'s a bit of an outtake, which took place as we closed…

me: I have to go for dinner...can we do this again? Continuation...that's really, really interesting...
bettigefecht: yeah, I'm having a ball
me:'re terrific...luv u
bettigefecht: {{hugs}}
me: thats SO pofessional HUH?
bettigefecht: LOL
you're totes business
me: Thanks, I really truly enjoy chattng with you
my claim to fame
bettigefecht: you can ping me anytime
me: OK--Have a good nite...and not too much sex!
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Author Interview - @JavaMomma0921

I'm super excited about this one...she's my new 'Friendlie' and I love her dearly already...

@javamomma0921 recently agreed to chat with me about her various works. She is such a talented woman…I’m in awe of everything she has done and is doing.

She is a busy mother of 2 and still finds the time to give her fans the privilege of reading her excellent stories.

The story which introduced me to her was Life and Death of Edward Masen, a period piece, which told Edward’s story a while before Carlisle changed him. It was completed in September 2010. She is planning a continuation.

She also has various other WIP’s – one being All That Jazz.

But I should stop my rambling…just read the interview to discover a fascinating woman behind the words…

 me:  so, if there's anything you don't want to answer, just say 'No comment" or some such journalistic mumbo jumbo!

 javamomma0921:  Ok.

I'm pretty open, I just don't want any personal info about my kids or family posted.

 me:  ok
          When did you start writing FF?

 javamomma0921:  Around January of this year, just after finishing the saga for the first time.

 me:  Really? Life and Death of Edward Masen is your first?

javamomma0921:  Actually, The Time is at Hand was my first. That has been complete for some time. It was a retelling of BD from Edward's POV.

 me:  I apologize.. I should have known that fact.

 javamomma0921:  Please, don't. I think about four people read it. LOL

 me:  How long did it take you to write L&DoEM?

 javamomma0921:  Well, it was started in ... March of this year and was just completed in September. It is 32 chapters complete.

 me:  And did you mention that you will be doing a continuation?

 javamomma0921:  I hope to. Right now I am currently working on my WIP, All That Jazz, along with three Fandom Gives Back obligations. I won't begin any continuation until I finish those things up. Also, I am beginning to work on something original for publication.

me: Are there any other projects you’re involved in?

javamomma0921:  I’m judging in the OC Awards. Basically, this is an Original Character Award site created to acknowledge those authors who choose to go out on a limb and integrate an original character into the twilight world.

 (LeAnne) @Golightly and @WolvesCanEatMe were the co-founders of the award. This is the website with all of the updates and information:

At the moment, I know about as much as everyone else. I believe that we are hoping to kick everything off at the end of this month. :-)

 me:  That's really interesting...where do you find the time, with a young, busy family?

 javamomma0921:  I have set aside the time when my daughter is in school and my son naps for writing. I also usually write from around 9:30 to 11:30 at night when everyone else is sleeping. This is important to me, so I choose to make time for it. It isn't easy, but it is a priority for me.

 me:  I think that setting a schedule is what seems to work for most really good authors.
Do you write every day?

 javamomma0921:  I do. I schedule my time very carefully, allowing a certain amount of time for each chapter of the stories I need to update so that I keep a set update schedule. It's been working out really well and encouraging me that I can actually accomplish all of these projects!

 me:  Would you say that this is something you would recommend for new authors to do?

 javamomma0921:  No! Sorry.
 I would never have taken all of these obligations knowingly. I signed up for FGB when literally no one knew who I was. I thought no one would bid on me. And then ... they did. So, I want to accomplish this, but this isn't the most conducive environment for good writing being this stressed about multiple stories.

me:  Do you read a lot of FF?

 javamomma0921:  I have several favorites, but I'm not really reading anything new right now. Most of what I read are the things I beta for, honestly. I am really looking forward to having more time to read when a few of these stories are over.

 me:  How many stories do you beta for?

 javamomma0921:  I have five authors that I beta for regularly, comprising about ... eight or nine stories.

 me:  Wow..that is a lot of stories to beta for.

 javamomma0921:  Actually, beta-ing for me is really fun and simple. I have a background in editing so it doesn't take up much time.

 me:  What are your distractions when you are working?

 javamomma0921: kids?

The voices in my head for the characters?
All of the above. LOL

 me:  These they lead your stories?

javamomma0921:  Absolutely. I take a day off between writing each story so that I can get "back in touch" with each of my characters. I have outlines, but my characters really lead where the stories go.

 me:  So, is your outline done at the very beginning?

 javamomma0921:  No. I try to write my five scene plan for each story. I read an article once that said that every story, be it 600 words or 100,000 can be broken down into 5 scenes. So I try to break each of my stories down that way and then I fill in the pieces. I think it really keeps my story arc true and exciting. It keeps me focused, but it allows my characters to be active participants in the development of the story.

 me:  That is really interesting...the rest of us can learn a lot from that.

 javamomma0921:  It's from a fantastic book.

 me:  You said your background is in it formal training?

javamomma0921:  I have a Master's Degree in English Language and Literature. I paid my way through grad school nanny-ing and editing doctoral theses. So it isn't exactly in the publishing world, but people paid me to edit.

 me:  Impressive.

 javamomma0921:  Meh. It paid the bills.
And I did like it. I got to read a lot of interesting stuff.

 me:  Yes. That's what I'm wanting to do the be inspired...

 javamomma0921:  You can't be a writer unless you are a voracious reader.

 me:  I agree.

Do you have a fave author/story?

 javamomma0921:  Do you mean mainstream or FF?

 me:  Both.

 javamomma0921:  My favorite published author is Stephen King. I think that his work is amazing. My favorite book of his is The Stand.

My current favorite FF is Cosmogirl's What Speaks in Darkness. This is such an amazingly different take on the story we all know and love and it is done SO well.

 me:  Speaking of which...when did you first read Twilight?

 javamomma0921:  Let's see ... I started writing in January of 2010, so I started reading Twilight ... right around Christmas of 2009.

 me:  Pretty close to when I did...bought myself the first book for a Christmas present...and the rest is...

 javamomma0921:  My husband bought the first book...

 me:  Has he read it?

 javamomma0921:  yep. All four. Before me!

 me:  Hah! Still trying to get mine to read it.

javamomma0921:  He liked it. I teased him unmercifully until he made me read it. And now ... he teases me.

 me:  Does he read your stories?

 javamomma0921:  He's read Edward's story (The Life and Death) as well as my entry for the Age of Edward contest, but most of them, no, he doesn't. He does, however, read all of my original work.

 me:  What type/genre of original work do you write?

 javamomma0921:  Period stuff for the most part, just like in FF.

 me:  Do you do a lot of research for those?

 javamomma0921:  I do. I really enjoy researching different time periods. I do a lot of research for my FF as well. I feel like if I'm going to write something, I should be as accurate as possible.

 me:  Readers should appreciate that...I do. It makes it truly interesting and true-to-life, right?

 javamomma0921:  I think so. I think it's a really interesting thing to see an author bridge their research into a story, because as readers, we don't need to know every detail, but as authors ... we do. It's all in how we work it into the story to keep the readers interested.

 me:  You definitely have that gift.

 javamomma0921:  Thank you.

 me:  It is interesting to me also having Life & Death go backwards in time from Edward's conversion...was that difficult to have play out?

 javamomma0921:  Well ... I started the story because I really wanted to know what Edward was like as a human. I think that in so many fics he's shown as a monster because he left Bella in New Moon. I kind of thought there might have been reasons in his past for that. So, I wanted to write this story to see what his life was like. I hope that I did him justice in it.

me:  You was fascinating to imagine/read about him as a human.

 javamomma0921:  Thank you. This story is what made me consider writing AH.

 me:  What is your fave to read/write..AU/AH?

 javamomma0921:  I love reading prequels and side shots to the original because I think they are incredibly difficult to pull  off believably, but I have been getting more interested in AH/AU fics. I enjoy seeing the creativity of this fandom and AH/AU really allows the author's originality to shine.

me:  Do your friends know that you write FF?

 javamomma0921:  No. Well, actually, they do. I posted a link to the FGB auctions when I signed up and caught a great deal of flack for it. But I'm not ashamed of it. It's just that many people don't understand why I do it or care to ask. You know?

 me:  Yeah...I don't tell too many...they'll think I'm

 javamomma0921:  Yeah ... but it's not. This is such great practice for writing original. I feel so lucky that SM allows us to play with her characters.

me:  You just answered my next question...and yes it is great of her to allow it.

 javamomma0921:  hah!

 me:  sorry. the chatbox keeps disappearing on me...
 javamomma0921:  oh no!
 me:  my mouse, I think
 javamomma0921:  Silly mouse...
 me:  need to buy traps
 javamomma0921:  LOL.

Back to the Interview:

 me:  Do you want to talk about up-coming projects?

 javamomma0921:  Well, I have All that Jazz, which is my multi-chapter WIP. The three FGB pieces I am working on are all going to be finished in five chapters or less. I have a story entered in the AoE contest (Revolutionary Angel) as well as one entered in the All Hallow's Eve contest (which is anonymous).

 me:  You're the definition of a busy 'momma'

javamomma0921:  Yeah ... I guess so! it's the java...

 me:  lol--def
What is your favourite java?

 javamomma0921:  Dunkin Donuts. Original Blend.  Skim and sugar. Delish!

 me:  Really?

 javamomma0921:  yeah

 me:  What state do you live in?

 javamomma0921:  Pennsylvania.

 me:  That's a pretty state..have visited it before...

 javamomma0921: I actually grew up in the neighborhood that @Mac_214 talks about in Ryeward (Mayfair)

 me:  Haven't read that one...should I?

 javamomma0921:  I haven't read it either ... but I hear it's quite good. I've only read the first chapter and about fell off my chair when she started talking about places I hung out as a kid!

 me:  That's pretty did get your attention.

 javamomma0921:  Absolutely!
I like when authors take you to places they are familiar with. I hear enough about Forks.

 me:  Do you take notes during your travels...not necessarily to faraway places...but random ones?

 javamomma0921:  Well, I bring a notebook with me everywhere so if I get an idea, I jot it down. I'm more influenced by a scene than a place, if that makes sense? Like a weeping willow tree might make me want to write about something.

 me:  Absolutely, it does
Do you listen to music when you write? If so, what do you listen to?

 javamomma0921:  No. I like it quiet when I write. I am very easily influenced by the music I listen to (I am a former musician) and my characters are likely to react to the music instead of what is going on in the story.

 me:  Oh, what instrument did you play?

 javamomma0921:  I played the violin all the way through college.

 me:  Hah--I played viola thru high school!

 javamomma0921:  Strings, FTW!

 me: I always wanted to go back to it, for some odd reason...

 javamomma0921:  I wish I could still play.

 me:  I bet you could if you just had a little help to get started again...
 So…your WIP  All That Jazz...are you having fun with it?

javamomma0921:  OMG. That story is my baby. I love writing period romance and that story is set in my favorite time period, the beginning of the roaring 20s.
 It's a fun story because it's not just the romance. There is prohibition and the Suffragette movement ... there's a lot going on.

 me:  CANNOT WAIT – to read it!

me:  Well…You prob want to go write, so I will cut this interview short. I’ve so loved chatting with you and look forward to our continued friendship on Twitter…I hope to continue our chats here in the future as well.

 javamomma0921:  It's been so much fun talking to you. I always enjoy making new friendlies.

 me:  Thank you, thank you, thank you.. I <3 you, Friendlie!
Category: 1 comments

Author Interview with @KiyaRaven


Finally I welcome, with wet panties, author of The Screamers @KiyaRaven!!

She is one hell of an author. She has a of writing...smut...which is...smuttily...the best read....of smut...that I've far.

Her fic The Screamers has had well over 10,000 (TEN THOUSAND) reviews, which qualifies her into the Smutty Hall of Fame I would think.

If you are the sensitive type...don't read this! You have been smuttily warned!! we GO!

 me:  clears throat

        So...if there' anything you don't want to answer just say 'no comment', 'fuck off' or some other journalistic mumbo-jumbo...clear?

  kiyaraven:    Clear.

 me: First question:

I know this is pretty standard stuff, but...When did you start writing?

 kiyaraven:  Fanfic?, let me think.  Probably about 18mths ago.  I think it will be 2 years next April.  (I have the world's worst memory.)

 me:  Did you write before Fanfic?

 kiyaraven:  I've always dabbled in creative writing, even when I was a kid.  I wrote really atrocious poetry during high school, and then when I did my drama degree, I got into playwriting.  I've now had several of my plays produced and toured, which is nice.

me:  Wow..plays?  That's so are they touring around Australia then?

kiyaraven:  None are touring at the moment but I have one that will tour next year.

 me:  What type of plays are they? Genre?

 kiyaraven:  Mainly I write for theatre, but the one next year is an opera.  (Using existing opera arias.  I DON'T write music.)

 me:  I am (that's an official looking question)

 kiyaraven:  Lol!

 me:  Is it like re-writing an original work and tweeking it into...?

 kiyaraven:  It's an historical piece about famous real life artists/opera singers.

 me: smut? pouts

 kiyaraven:  He he!  Well, there's a very heated head-lock at one point, but alas, it doesn't lead to angry fucking.

 me:  I have to tell you... that after reading The Screamers...I now have a new reverence for smut...
You opened up a whole new world...(>MvirginsmutE<)… and I def don't mean that label as anything derogatory.

kiyaraven:  Hahahaha!!  You have NO idea how nervous I was when I wrote my first lemon for Screamers.  God, the hell I went through.  I'd never written ANYTHING like that before, and I was still relatively new to the fandom, so when I look back at it now, I kind of cringe because it was pretty clumsy, but hey...I've had LOTS of practice since then, and I hope I've improved. Lol,

 me:  I think you DEFINITELY have
 ...I kept're like what Mrs TheKing is to potty talk, if you know what I mean. The HIGHEST compliment I could give you in my opinion...

 kiyaraven:  Haha!!  Oh, God, that IS a compliment!  MTK is the mistress of prose to bodily functions.  She's the Keats of fart humor.

 me:  IKR? When I first used to see her tweets...I was …until I read Gynazole...then it ALL made sense...

 kiyaraven:  Yes!!  It's her passion for the poop-anecdotes that I respect.  So dedicated.

 me:  I only stumbled, literally, into the fandom about...6-7 months's been quite an education...

 kiyaraven:  Oh, I bet.  I seriously couldn't believe my eyes when I stumbled onto it.  I'd never even heard of fanfic before, and suddenly there were stories with these awesome characters that I loved, and they were actually getting laid?   I thought I'd died and gone to heaven.

 me:  YES!  What was your first FF?

 kiyaraven:  Mine was 'The List' by Laura Cullen.  Gah!!! Soooo freaking hot.  It's about Edward and Bella exploring their sexual boundaries in the lead up to their wedding.  It was my first experience with Twismut and it...was...awesoooome.

 me:  That sounds
 I'll have to look that up. Although I find, as everyone does, that there just aren't enough hours in the day and there are SO many awesome fics out there...

 kiyaraven:  So true.  I've actually read a couple of REAL BOOKS recenlty (*gasp* I know.  Weird, right?), and I have to say, I was so damn disappointed in the quality of writing compared to a lot of the fanfic I read.  I think fanfic has ruined me.

 me:  I agree.

What inspired you to write in the style that you do, Ms Pervy?

 kiyaraven:  hahaha!  How did you know my nickname?  Actually my nickname is Princess Pervalicious, but I digress...

 me:  oh..jotting that down…
Oh's right in front of me..LOL

I love digressing..js

 kiyaraven:  Uh...I don't know that anything in particular inspired my style.  I just kind of started writing and it came out like that.  From the beginning the Screamers characters and plot was really clear in my head, and I just enjoyed the creative release of writing so damn much, I didn't really stop to analyze the technicalities of what I was doing.  It's probably not terribly...correct, IYKWIM.

 me:  Ok...never seen that acro...trying to figure it out...scratching my head

 kiyaraven:  haha!  If you know what I mean.
I used to be TERRIBLE with acronyms.  Twitter teaches you a lot.

 me:  newbie   still trying...

 kiyaraven:  You'll get there, bb.

 me:  You are so ...mean...

 kiyaraven:  It's "IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN"

 me:  ...ROFL...duh

 kiyaraven:  ahahahahaha!

 me:  don't know if I can continue...too ...much...laughing...

 kiyaraven:  snort

 me:  I think I love you

 kiyaraven:  blush  Aw, stop.  I may have to call time-out for a grope fest.

 me:  Cools… self… pull..myself..together...

 kiyaraven:  haha!

 me:  deep breaths...not I can't type either...

 kiyaraven:  strokes bewbs  It's all right, sweetie.  Just relax.

 me:  Thanks, bb... put my head on your shoulder
 Do your friends know you type this awesome-ness in FF?

 kiyaraven:, my real-life friends do NOT know about my fanfic.  I mean, they know I'm an enormous perv, but if they read my fanfic?  Uh...yeah, the true extent of my perversion would probs shock them.  Or turn them on and make them want to hump me.  Either way, it's going to be awkward.  I've met a few awesome ladies through the fandom though, and we've become really good friends.  They know my propensity for smut and porn, and they accept me anyway.

 me:  That's sweet...

 kiyaraven:  I think so  
 me:  But I know what you mean about what you said before...the style of writing...I think there's just something about the characters that just scream (haha) at the writer to re-write them into ones who are naughty..

 kiyaraven:  Oh, hell yes.  I think there's just so much repressed sexual tension in the Twilight saga, and it needed to be channeled somewhere.  SHAZAM!!! Twific is born.  Hallelujah!

 me:  Amen!

Did you read Twilight books first, or see the movies? And why?

 kiyaraven:  I read the books just before the 1st movie was released.  I'd heard about them from various sources, and one day I just decided to try them because I'm a huge vampire fan.  After the first one I was hooked.

 me:  May I old are you?

 kiyaraven:  No comment...hahaha

 me:  ok. What do you think of SM's writing?

 kiyaraven:  I think SM did an incredible job creating some REALLY compelling characters, most notably Edward.  I don't think her writing is exceptionally good, but it has that special something that has hooked millions of readers.  I REALLY wish she'd publish Midnight Sun, because from what I've seen of it, it's her best writing yet.  (Having said that, "The Brief Life of Bree Tanner" was the most boring piece of crap I've read in a long time.)

 me:  Mmmm-hmmm...Edward...yes...I loved the much so...that I 'used' to say that I thought RP was an idiot...(don't hit me)...until some lovely ladies started tweeting Robporn...and I started clicking on them...

oh notes...they're in the puddle under me...

 kiyaraven:  Hahahah!!  Oh, honey, I hear 'ya.  I'm all about the Robporn.  The man is obscenely sexy and makes me Robgasm daily.  I want to nom him all over.

 me:  Let's digress...just thinking about him... panting...he does take a lovely photo...

 kiyaraven:  Oh...guhhhhhhhh.

Seriously, I can't...fuck...he's just...arrrgh!

 me:  I.. no...words... lick screen

 kiyaraven:  hahaha!  Check out this review I just got for Screamers "This story has made me laugh...cry...and also made me wonder for your sanity."  Yep.  that's about right.

 me:  That's ffabulous!

Again...I Flove onto faves

 kiyaraven:  Hehehehehe!

 me:  Hey...aren't we all insane?

 kiyaraven:  Some of us more than others, honey.  ;P

 me:  My hubs srsly was on "wife watch" when I first started reading/writing/ were thinking I was about to lose my few marbles...

 kiyaraven:  hah!  My hubs thinks it's hilarious that I tweet with my pervs every day.  He sometimes sends me porn to share with them.  He's giving like that.

 me:  What an awesome hubs...I also have kids who buy me posters...right, like I'm going to put them up...where?

 kiyaraven:  IKR?  I have about four posters.  They're all rolled up in my cupboard.  Hubs vetoed me putting them on the ceiling.  Fucking killjoy.

 me:  LOL...that's what I thought, too...altho my hubs is a pretty happy camper these days...'something' has his little world...and he likes it...

(might not add that into post--haha) Aaah...what the hell!

 kiyaraven:  Hah!!  I think there are LOTS of husbands out there that owe a massive rise in their happy times to fanfic/Robert Pattinson.  I also think fanfic is making ladies more adventurous in bed.

 me:  SO TRUE!!!!!! true...

 kiyaraven:  (My hubs loves reading my stuff, but realistically, he only reads the smut.  Dirty boy.)

 me:  You're brave...
It took me a long time to let mine read my fic..and I don't have 1% of smut you have..
Think I'll make him read yours, tho...he loved MTK's Gynazole A LOT!

 kiyaraven:  Haha!!  I didn't let him read it for AGES!  Eventually I caved, but he still hasn't finished Screamers.  He's dying to read Grasping Darkness because he knows it has lots of smut.

 me:  And I've been sending him chappies of MoTU.

Note to self: I am DEF reading GD...

 kiyaraven:  OOh...has he asked to tie you up yet?

 me:  Not yet...I keep hoping...

 kiyaraven:  Haha!!!

 me: be honest (??)...he did pull out tie once...kinda scared me tho, and he keeps talking about installing  plant hook in the ceiling..I think it's gotta be a whopper of a plant...

 kiyaraven:  Hah!!!  I think I love your hubs.

 me:  He's also been reading this book on how to please a woman. It's a pretty good book...

 kiyaraven:  Ooh, I bet.  I think ALL hubs should read fanfic so they can learn how to pleasure their woman.  Apart from the physical description of how to get their lady off, fanfic contains a lot of very..uh..stimulating fantasies.  Should be required reading.

me:  Yes...I agree  nods head furiously

If they only had it when we were  younger (meaning me and my hubs) cuz we're

 kiyaraven:  Pfft.

 me:  Wanted to ask you about the last few chapters where you write a lot about the homeless it a 'cause' for you?

 kiyaraven:  Yeah, it is actually.  A lot of my Bella came from a friend of mine who spent some time on the streets when she was a teenager.  It's just an issue that absolutely breaks my heart.  I used to work near a homeless shelter and would often see everyone coming and going.  One day I saw a man with his son.  The little boy must have been about three.  It killed me to see that little boy - no toys, no home, no Mommy, no friends.  It still makes me emotional.  Now, whenever I donate to charity, I make sure it goes to the homeless. There but for the grace of God and all that.

 me:  Truly...that's just great...I totally feel that...why are we where we are and they're where    they are...doesn't make not fair..

 kiyaraven:  True.  I think a lot of us take what we have for granted.  I try not to do that.  Everyday I look at my life, even when I'm having a day where I'm neck-deep in crap, and I think...really, I don't have it bad.  In fact, I'm pretty fucking lucky.

 me:  Yes...when my daughter had a b-day party we asked or donations to the food bank instead of gifts...we ARE so lucky...

 kiyaraven:  Oh, that's a GREAT idea!  I'm so going to steal that.

 me:  I think one of my very fave parts in this story occurs in Pt. 1 of the Beginining of the End...Bella answes her a very pervy way and a priest replies...

My phone rang just as Jas and I got out of the car. I gestured for him to go on without me as I fished my phone out of my bag and held it up to my ear, quickly glancing at the caller ID in the process.

I smiled to myself as I answered it.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my fuckhot rock-star boyfriend and his never-flaccid glory-cock that fucks me into oblivion on a daily basis. How are you, lover? Still sporting wood I hope."

There was silence for a few seconds before an unsteady high-pitched voice said, "Uh...Miss Swan, this is Reverend Rachleff from the Church in Westwood. You left a message for me about officiating some services at Sanctuary. Your boyfriend is here picking up some hymn books and kindly let me borrow his phone since the battery went dead in mine."

My heart leapt up into my throat, strangling me with complete and utter mortification.

Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no. I did NOT just say the words 'glory-cock' and 'fuck me into oblivion' to a priest!

Ohhhhh, giant shitting crap-balls. I'm going to have a room reserved for me in hell that's filled with bagpipes, Justin Bieber songs, and people who slurp their soup.

I squeezed my eyes shut and leaned against the wall next to me, banging my head gently against the cold bricks.

"Oh, Christ...I mean, hell. Fuck. Jesus! NO! Not fuck Jesus! I meant 'fuck' as a completely separate word to 'Jesus'. I would NEVER say 'fuck Jesus'...although realistically I did just say it...several times...but that was just to illustrate that I wouldn't actually say it. Oh, fuck me.


I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, mouthing the word 'fuck' over and over again until I felt I had control over my vocabulary.

"Reverend," I finally managed to rasp, "I'm so very sorry for what I just said. Please forgive me.

Thank you for calling me back."
...sooo funny

 kiyaraven:  Hahaha!!  Oh, yes.  I remember it well.  Sometimes I write things like that and think, "Oh dear God, Kiya.  you are one sick perv," and I'm always surprised when other people find it funny.  My sense of humor is warped, and it warms my heart to know that there are people out there who are just as fucked up as I am.

 me:  Yes...fucked up...sums it up...really well.

You mention of Monty Python...are you a fan?

 kiyaraven:  HUGE Python fan.  I can pretty much recite all the movies, I own all the TV series and most of the albums.  I even have some of the scripts.  So...yah...big fan.

me:  My hubs is...and I wanted to get that anniversary edition last year for Christmas and  didn't...not a great shopper (memory fail) so I'm so glad you reminded me...

 kiyaraven:  Amazon is great for python.

 me:  Your memory can't be that bad...

 kiyaraven:  hah...It's pretty bad.  I used to have an amazing memory, then I had kids.  Uh...what were we talking about?

 me:  LOL...please...don''m barely hanging on...

(I'm just hoping for more bewbie gropes<--shameless)

 kiyaraven:  extremely perverted gropage  Better?

 me:  Oh...right..rolls eyes ...NOW it's all...better...

Reminder to self:   breathe

 kiyaraven:  Lol!  H00r.

 me:  Why...thank you...SO much...noone's ever called me that before...blushes

I think I've been promoted to another echelon...

 kiyaraven:  It's a true term of endearment.  I also like h00kah, but we need to bond more over porn and peen before I can call you that.

 me:  I'm game...again...shameless...and extremely fan-girlie

 kiyaraven:  Hehe.  We'll set up a tweet-date.  I'll wear a pink carnation.

 me:  and I'll wear..anything you want me to...(srsly cannot type anymore)

I'm calling my to Oz...going to stalk you...

 kiyaraven:  Well, you would obviously wear nothing.  H00kahs need to be ready for action at a moment's notice.

 me:  ok...thinks: glad I've lost a few

 kiyaraven:  You're welcum at my place anytime, hot-stuff.

 me:  blow-drying my notes

 kiyaraven:  snicker

 me:  HAHA--do you have any distractions when you're writing? winks

 kiyaraven:  Hmmm...well, I try to write when there's no one around.  I get very stabby if people interrupt me....or make noise...or breath too loud.  Yeah...I usually write with ear plugs, and of course I have to have frequent alcohol/twitter/porn breaks.  I'm very disciplined.

 me:  I find Twitter EXTREMELY distracting...haven't written much since...addicted...cannot tear myself away...especially when you start with your robporn...

 kiyaraven:  I know.  I distract myself.  Often.

 me:  Do you listen to music at all when you write?

 kiyaraven:  Not when I write, but I always listen BEFORE I write.  Because I'm writing two very different fics at the moment, I need to get into a specific headspace for each one, so I have a playlist that helps me do that.

 me:  What would a few examples of songs be on your playlist?

 kiyaraven:  Well, for Diva Diaries, i listen to a lot of chick-rock - Kelly Clarkson, Pink, etc.  For Grasping Darkness I go for Nine Inch Nails, Massive Attack, that sort of thing.


I been clicking on stuff people getting more enlightened...I'm a HUGE Muse fan...

BB...I lost (damn g-chat) you...tears

whispers you there?

 kiyaraven:  Shit, sorry, honey.  I accidentally closed the window.  facepalm  Was trying to close something else.

 me:  Forgiven..

 kiyaraven:  Did you ask another question?  Sorry i missed it.

 me:  Umm...yes...and it was 'the' pivotal one for our interview...snickers

 kiyaraven:  Oh, very funny.

 me:  I try...but you're a hard act to follow

 kiyaraven:  Lol

 me:  I'll just hang onto your coattails..k?

 kiyaraven:  No probs.  Although I'd prefer it if you hung onto mah bewbs.  Just sayin'.

 me:  gasp...ok...if you give me permission hanging on

 kiyaraven:  sigh  that's better.

 me:  I love how you've written in multiple POV's within a chapter...was that difficult?

 kiyaraven:  It didn't seem difficult at the time, but now when I try to do it, I find it really hard!!  I generally try to stick to one POV generally, but I recently changed POV's in GD (from Edward to Bella) and because I'd been writing Edward for so long, I found it really difficult to get back into the mindset of a woman.  Kinda weirded me out.

 me:  Edward's POV is so fun to write, right? A lot of authors can't stand Bella...think she's

 kiyaraven:  I think Bella's whatever you make of her.  I mean, in the books she's incredibly bland, but I think that's why I enjoy writing her.  I like to try to make her likeable, because honestly, TwiBella pretty much annoyed the crap out of me.

 me:  You did make Bella great in this fic...I must agree..I didn't think she was bland at all..took me awhile to get used to what was coming out of her mouth...but...all good after that.

You have a GIFT!

 kiyaraven:  blush
 me: Whispers  am I keeping you from...sleep? Just tell me when you've had enuf, k?

Cuz I could go on and on and on...

You are the most amazing person to chat with...and I was so I'm so in love with you.
Does that sound as weird as it does when I see it in print?

kiyaraven:  Hahaha!  It's 1.32am here but I'm usually awake at this hour.  I'd make a great vampire!  You've been amazing to chat to as well.  We could do this all night!!  Not weird at all - lololol!!

 me:  proverbial diarrhea

 kiyaraven:  Hahahahah!

 me:  don't know what that means...but when I get 'going'...

Well I can't read my notes any let's just digress...Rob...that jaw...those lips...

Wait!  What!?! 1.32 am.!!!!!

 kiyaraven:  Oh, God...the lips.  the EYES!!  Jesus!  The -come-fuck-me eyes.

 me:  OMG..Kiya...I'm drowning here...

I'm soooo sorry...I thought it was 12 hour diff....m'i bad?

 kiyaraven:  haha!! It's all good, bb.  Don't worry about it.

 me:  I will let you go to sleep since it’s so late for you...hugs...thanks...hugs...just cuz I love your bewbs hugs

 kiyaraven:  Heheh!!  hugs/sneaky gropes  Yours aren't too bloody bad either.



shouty caps...sorry

but I meant it

dialing realtor

 kiyaraven:  I LOVE SHOUTY CAPSS!!!

 me:  searching flights to Oz online

 kiyaraven:  Ha!!  It's a BEWDIFOOL time of year to visit.  Just sayin.  No pressure.
 We have lots of eucalypts, very green.  I love Oz.  Tis beautful.

 me:  counting pennies

...and I really can't show you the they is 'history'...

Category: 0 comments